
The Fox News Voter Analysis, conducted in partnership with the Associated Press, provides a comprehensive look at voting behavior, opinions and preferences as America votes. It is based on surveys of the American electorate conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago. For the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries and caucuses, the FNVA results are based on interviews with a random sample of registered voters drawn from state voter files. In select states, these probability sample results are supplemented by interviews with self-identified registered voters recruited from nonprobability online panels. The FNVA methodology captures last-minute voter trends, which are of particular importance in the early caucuses and primaries, as well as the sentiments and behavior of early and absentee voters, who are significant on Super Tuesday and other later primaries.

Full methodology statement

How to read these tables:
The percentages to the right of each answer show the proportion of the electorate in that subgroup. When an answer is expanded by clicking on the +, the candidates' support among that subgroup is revealed. The percentages to the right of each listed candidate show how the particular subgroup of voters divided its vote.

Illinois Democratic Primary

Are you male or female?
Sample: 2,711 Respondents
What is your age?
Sample: 2,704 Respondents
What is your age?
Sample: 2,704 Respondents
Sex, age 2 categories
Sample: 2,702 Respondents
What is your racial or ethnic heritage?
Sample: 2,711 Respondents
Sex, race 4 categories
Sample: 2,708 Respondents
Age 2 categories, race 4 categories
Black 18-44 8%
Latino 45+ 5%
Sample: 2,701 Respondents
Age 2 categories, race 2 categories
Sample: 2,701 Respondents
Which best describes your level of education?
Sample: 2,711 Respondents
Which best describes your level of education?
Sample: 2,711 Respondents
Age 2 categories, education 2 categories
Sample: 2,701 Respondents
Education 2 categories, race 2 categories
Sample: 2,708 Respondents
What is your present religion, if any?
Mormon 0%
Muslim 1%
Sample: 2,702 Respondents
What is your present religion, if any?
Sample: 2,702 Respondents
Generally speaking, do you consider yourself a Democrat, a Republican, or dont you consider yourself either? Would you say you are closer to the Democrats, to the Republicans, or dont you lean toward either?
Sample: 2,714 Respondents
Generally speaking, do you consider yourself to be a liberal, moderate, or conservative?
Sample: 2,687 Respondents
Generally speaking, do you consider yourself to be a liberal, moderate, or conservative?
Sample: 2,694 Respondents
Race 2 categories, ideology 2 categories
Sample: 2,691 Respondents
Which best describes when you decided how you would vote?
Sample: 2,708 Respondents
Which best describes when you decided how you would vote?
Sample: 2,708 Respondents
Which is more important to your vote in the Democratic presidential primary?
Sample: 2,663 Respondents
Which is more important to your vote in the Democratic presidential primary?
Sample: 2,648 Respondents
Sample: 2,606 Respondents
Which one of the following would you say is the most important issue facing the country?
Abortion 1%
Sample: 2,698 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose changing the health care system so that all Americans get their health insurance from a single government plan instead of private health insurance?
Sample: 2,706 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose changing the health care system so that all Americans get their health insurance from a single government plan instead of private health insurance?
Sample: 2,706 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose changing the health care system so that every American can buy into a government-run health care plan if they want to?
Strongly oppose 4%
Sample: 2,704 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose changing the health care system so that every American can buy into a government-run health care plan if they want to?
Sample: 2,704 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose the government canceling student loan debt for most people?
Sample: 2,701 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose the government canceling student loan debt for most people?
Sample: 2,701 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose taxing the use of carbon based fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas?
Sample: 2,695 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose taxing the use of carbon based fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas?
Sample: 2,695 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose legalizing the recreational use of marijuana nationwide?
Sample: 2,699 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose legalizing the recreational use of marijuana nationwide?
Sample: 2,699 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose reducing the criminal justice system's focus on policing and prosecuting low-level offenses?
Sample: 2,695 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose reducing the criminal justice system's focus on policing and prosecuting low-level offenses?
Sample: 2,695 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose the government making cash payments to the descendants of enslaved people as reparations for slavery and racial discrimination?
Sample: 2,694 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose the government making cash payments to the descendants of enslaved people as reparations for slavery and racial discrimination?
Sample: 2,694 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose limiting how much money a presidential campaign can spend?
Strongly oppose 4%
Sample: 2,700 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose limiting how much money a presidential campaign can spend?
Sample: 2,700 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose reducing government regulation of business?
Sample: 2,683 Respondents
Do you favor or oppose reducing government regulation of business?
Sample: 2,683 Respondents
Regardless of who you support in the primary, which of the following candidates do you think would be best able to handle: Health care
Tulsi Gabbard 2%
Sample: 2,647 Respondents
Regardless of who you support in the primary, which of the following candidates do you think would be best able to handle: The economy
Tulsi Gabbard 2%
Sample: 2,625 Respondents
Regardless of who you support in the primary, which of the following candidates do you think would be best able to handle: Issues related to race
Tulsi Gabbard 4%
Sample: 2,613 Respondents
Regardless of who you support in the primary, which of the following candidates do you think would be best able to handle: Corruption in government
Tulsi Gabbard 4%
Sample: 2,634 Respondents
Which best describes your family's financial situation? Are you...
Sample: 2,705 Respondents
Do you think the country's economic system is fair or unfair to most Americans?
Sample: 2,699 Respondents
Do you think the country's economic system is fair or unfair to most Americans?
Sample: 2,699 Respondents
How satisfied or dissatisfied would you be if Joe Biden won the Democratic nomination for president?
Sample: 2,704 Respondents
How satisfied or dissatisfied would you be if Joe Biden won the Democratic nomination for president?
Sample: 2,704 Respondents
How satisfied or dissatisfied would you be if Bernie Sanders won the Democratic nomination for president?
Sample: 2,688 Respondents
How satisfied or dissatisfied would you be if Bernie Sanders won the Democratic nomination for president?
Sample: 2,688 Respondents
How important is each of the following qualities in the Democratic nominee for president? Can beat Donald Trump
Not too important 3%
Not at all important 4%
Sample: 2,700 Respondents
How important is each of the following qualities in the Democratic nominee for president? Can beat Donald Trump
Sample: 2,700 Respondents
How important is each of the following qualities in the Democratic nominee for president? Has the best policy ideas
Not too important 2%
Not at all important 1%
Sample: 2,697 Respondents
How important is each of the following qualities in the Democratic nominee for president? Has the best policy ideas
Not important 3%
Sample: 2,697 Respondents
How important is each of the following qualities in the Democratic nominee for president? Will work across party lines
Not at all important 3%
Sample: 2,698 Respondents
How important is each of the following qualities in the Democratic nominee for president? Will work across party lines
Sample: 2,698 Respondents
How important is each of the following qualities in the Democratic nominee for president? Cares about people like you
Not at all important 1%
Sample: 2,694 Respondents
How important is each of the following qualities in the Democratic nominee for president? Cares about people like you
Sample: 2,694 Respondents
How important is each of the following qualities in the Democratic nominee for president? Is a strong leader
Not too important 1%
Not at all important 1%
Sample: 2,699 Respondents
How important is each of the following qualities in the Democratic nominee for president? Is a strong leader
Not important 1%
Sample: 2,699 Respondents
How important is each of the following qualities in the Democratic nominee for president? Has the right experience
Not too important 3%
Not at all important 1%
Sample: 2,699 Respondents
How important is each of the following qualities in the Democratic nominee for president? Has the right experience
Not important 4%
Sample: 2,699 Respondents
How important is it to you personally that the United States elects a woman president during your lifetime?
Sample: 2,712 Respondents
How important is it to you personally that the United States elects a woman president during your lifetime?
Sample: 2,712 Respondents
Overall, how confident are you that the Democratic Party's leadership represents your values?
Sample: 2,712 Respondents
Overall, how confident are you that the Democratic Party's leadership represents your values?
Sample: 2,712 Respondents
If each of the following candidates were the Democratic nominee, would you definitely, probably, probably NOT or definitely NOT vote for him against Donald Trump in November? Joe Biden
Sample: 2,698 Respondents
If each of the following candidates were the Democratic nominee, would you definitely, probably, probably NOT or definitely NOT vote for him against Donald Trump in November? Joe Biden
Sample: 2,698 Respondents
If each of the following candidates were the Democratic nominee, would you definitely, probably, probably NOT or definitely NOT vote for him against Donald Trump in November? Bernie Sanders
Sample: 2,669 Respondents
If each of the following candidates were the Democratic nominee, would you definitely, probably, probably NOT or definitely NOT vote for him against Donald Trump in November? Bernie Sanders
Sample: 2,669 Respondents
If each of the following candidates were the Democratic nominee, would you definitely, probably, probably NOT or definitely NOT vote for him against Donald Trump in November?
Definitely or probably NOT vote for either Biden or Sanders 4%
Sample: 2,659 Respondents
Thinking about the general election in November, do you think each of the following candidates definitely could, probably could, probably could NOT or definitely could NOT beat Donald Trump? Joe Biden
Sample: 2,697 Respondents
Thinking about the general election in November, do you think each of the following candidates definitely could, probably could, probably could NOT or definitely could NOT beat Donald Trump? Joe Biden
Sample: 2,697 Respondents
Thinking about the general election in November, do you think each of the following candidates definitely could, probably could, probably could NOT or definitely could NOT beat Donald Trump? Bernie Sanders
Sample: 2,677 Respondents
Thinking about the general election in November, do you think each of the following candidates definitely could, probably could, probably could NOT or definitely could NOT beat Donald Trump? Bernie Sanders
Sample: 2,677 Respondents
Thinking about the general election in November, do you think each of the following candidates definitely could, probably could, probably could NOT or definitely could NOT beat Donald Trump?
Sample: 2,671 Respondents
Overall, how confident are you that the Democratic Party's process to select a presidential nominee is fair?
Sample: 2,708 Respondents
Overall, how confident are you that the Democratic Party's process to select a presidential nominee is fair?
Sample: 2,708 Respondents
In which of these categories is your total yearly household income, that is, of everyone living in your family household? Was your total household income in 2019...
Sample: 2,675 Respondents
Was your total household income in 2019...
Sample: 2,675 Respondents
Was your total household income in 2019...
Sample: 2,675 Respondents
Which of the following best describes the area where you live?
Sample: 2,709 Respondents
Sex, sizeplace 3 categories
Sample: 2,706 Respondents
Race 2 categories, sizeplace 3 categories
Non-white small town/rural 4%
Sample: 2,706 Respondents
AP Party Region
Sample: 2,714 Respondents
How concerned are you that you or someone in your family will be infected with the new coronavirus?
Not at all concerned 4%
Sample: 2,713 Respondents
How concerned are you that you or someone in your family will be infected with the new coronavirus?
Sample: 2,713 Respondents