The Biden administration, the mainstream media and immigration advocates are lying to the American people about the extent of the border crisis, Fox News host Laura Ingraham said Monday. 

"The entire situation has blown up, with so many people coming in that the border patrol is overwhelmed, and facilities are overflowing and unsanitary," said "The Ingraham Angle" host. 

"Failing to report the simple facts about what lax border enforcement means, the media is complicit in the creation of this crisis," she added. "They demonized Trump for years on immigration, with woefully biased and inaccurate reporting, and now they are trying to save their own reputations" by pressing the Biden administration for access to migrant holding facilities. 

In that regard, White House press secretary Jen Psaki's recent statement that the White House is "committed to transparency" is a "total and complete lie," according to Ingraham.

"They could have opened these sites on day one," she said. "Just blur the kids’ faces. Back in May of 2019, the Trump administration allowed ['The Ingraham Angle'] to go into border facilities in Texas, because they believed in transparency, unlike the current president. There was no reason to hide anything.

"But it’s different now, because the Biden administration knows the conditions inside are horrific. And they know Biden risks coming off as a total fraud on this issue," she added.

Meanwhile, Ingraham warned Republicans could make a bad situation worse by allowing Democrats to use the surge and "crisis" as a pretext to seek blanket amnesty.

"Democrats want to use this crisis that they are solely responsible for, to force the hands of GOP members on immigration amnesty," Ingraham said. "Hell no, they won’t. You cannot negotiate border legislation with people who don’t believe in borders and continue to tell blatant lies to the American people."

As for DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Ingraham said he "has lost all credibility, and if protecting Americans mattered more to Biden than catering to the cheap labor lobby, he would be fired immediately."


"The current crisis is something that will change our country forever," she went on. "Just what the open borders zealots always wanted but couldn’t admit. They conceal, instead of reveal, their true intentions."

"Just remember," the host concluded. "The whole time that they were telling Americans to stay home, slow the spread, mask up, and avoid other people, they were encouraging everyone in the rest of the world to come here as quickly as possible."