
This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on September 30, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Americans Held Hostage, Behind Enemy Lines, Day 47.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: And welcome to HANNITY this busy breaking news night.

Day 47, with hundreds of Americans, their families, thousands of American green card holders eligible to live in this country, thousands of our allies abandoned by Joe Biden in Afghanistan. They are hostages of the Taliban.

He's not mentioned our fellow Americans that he abandoned in 31 days -- Joe, it's repulsive.

And tonight, Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats are more concerned about getting a political win right here at home rather than think about this.

Anyway, as we speak, Joe and his fellow socialist comrades, they're now desperate to pass two separate trillion dollar spending bills, a so-called infrastructure bill that costs $1.2 trillion. On top of that, the other Build Back Better plan, which is a social welfare bill, it's basically AOC's Green New Deal that costs a whopping $3.5 trillion -- money we do not have and we'll never be able to pay back.

Keep in mind, the whopping $6 trillion in emergency COVID relief spending, that has already been allocated. And for reference, let's go back to 2019. The entire federal budget was only $4.4 trillion. So where we are going to get the extra $10 trillion in new spending that Joe is claiming won't cost you a single penny?

Well, in two ways. One, taxes. The build back better plan, it raises taxes on corporations, but they don't pay taxes. You pay those taxes raises. Taxes on small businesses, individuals and families and after they take a bite at the apple though, when you die, they'll take an extra 61 cents of every dollar you might have in your piggy bank.

Everyone in America will feel the impact of these taxes. It doesn't matter if you're wealthy, poor, middle class, somewhere in between corporations businesses will not sit back they're not going to take the loss they will pass that tax on to you the consumer you will pay these taxes everything you buy will become more expensive.

That's not all the second way the federal government will raise funds is through what they call quantitative easing. In other words, they're just going to print money. Now, this causes inflation now that means your paycheck becomes less and less valuable and again everything you buy will once again become more expensive. Your grocery bill will be higher, everything you buy at the drugstore will be higher, the cost to fill up your gas tank will be higher. To heat and cool your home, that'll be higher raw materials like lumber and aluminum. They're already becoming higher and more expensive and housing and rents will go up as well.

And by the way, this isn't theoretical. It's already happening. The fed has been working overtime to print enough money to pay for the six trillion dollars in emergency COVID relief spending and now in for inflation, thanks to Joe Biden's horrific policies, is now at a 13-year high.

Now, add to all of that economic disaster, the fact that Joe Biden gave up the energy independence that he inherited from Donald Trump. Donald Trump accomplished energy independence for the first time in 75 years in this country, and we all benefited. Low cost to fill up our gas tank, lower heating and cooling costs, delivery for all the things you buy in your grocery store cheaper. You save money.

Gas is now on average about a buck fifty more per gallon nationwide, heating and cooling your home goes up again here. And everything you buy will cost more, on top of the inflation that he is causing.

And that's not enough for this radical Democratic Party. Now, they've gone full comrade socialist. They will not rest until every business, every corporation, every hard-working successful American is brought to their knees at the altar of big government.

They want mother government to provide all, womb to the tomb, and cradle to the grave. Housing, food, green energy, child care, medical care, family leave, guaranteed basic income, free college, free health care, even for illegal immigrants. That's what the $3.5 trillion Build Back Better, what they call human infrastructure, is all about.

It is socialism. Socialism has been tried under many names, many forms and everything is based on false promises that will never be fulfilled. Then we all end up being poorer and no wrong way, then they end up being poorer and as a result then you look at how much freedom you give up in the name of false security.

Now, it's the first down payment and there'll be more if you allow this to happen of AOC's Green New Deal socialism. The bill expands Medicare, Obamacare, includes money for government funding housing, government funded medicine, government-funded healthy food.

Gee, I really need their healthy food advice. After all, they look so healthy. Joe looks so healthy to me.

And, of course, government-funded green energy programs. That will be Solyndra on steroids.

And that's not all. The bill also gives billions in entitlements to illegal immigrants. Oh, why when other countries charge for citizenship, why are we offering illegal immigrants that didn't respect our laws or sovereignty, why are we offering them -- making them pay? $15 million to older Americans who are underserved due to their sexual orientation, gender identity, that's included; $50 million to reduce human wildlife conflicts in national parks, and billions for a brand new civilian climate corps to stop global warming.

In reality, this is a radical transfer of wealth and power from private citizens to the federal government. Even the guy that's running for New York City mayor, a guy named Eric Adams, I prefer Curtis Sliwa, even he says, you know, in a city of nearly 9 million people, 65,000 pay 51 percent of the income taxes. That's redistribution.

Betsy McCaughey pointed out in her article in "The New York Post", billions are going to unnamed community organizations for vague purposes like promoting community engagement providing support and advice. Translation, your taxpayer dollars will fund the payrolls of left-wing advocacy groups during elections.

This bill is so extreme that two liberal senators they are now blocking it. They're not conservatives, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema from Arizona, Joe from West Virginia, vote with their fellow Democrats almost 100 percent of the time. They're not a member of the vast right-wing conspiracy, although listening to liberals you would think that they're evil incarnate, just like every conservative. But even this bill, in its current state, is too much for them.

In July, Joe Manchin, he vowed, I'm not going above $1.5 trillion, still a very huge unsustainable number, frankly unacceptable. That is a burden we're putting on our children and grandchildren.

Because the rest of the Democratic Party is now completely insane, Manchin and Sinema almost seem moderate by comparison. There's no room for moderates in this radical comrade socialist Democratic Party. There's no there's none left, just Soviet-style socialism and others who try to appease them.

Nancy Pelosi, I've been telling you, she's not the speaker. She's speaker of the house in name only. She answers to AOC and the Squad. And now, Pelosi is in a full panic if she's unable to pass the $3.5 trillion Build Back Better socialist comrade spending bill, there will be a full-fledged revolt in the Democratic Party just in time for the midterm elections.

Here with more is the author of the upcoming book, "Beyond Biden: Rebuilding the America We Love", and boy, it can't happen fast enough, FOX News contributor, former speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich.

You know, I'm watching the infighting and then the civil war within the Democratic Party. If it wasn't so serious, I would enjoy the fight, because I -- you know, Democrats want to kill each other, scorpions and a brandy glass I'm fine with that.

But the reality is, this is so dangerous, so destructive on so many different levels from inflation to the high cost of energy that it actually scares me and the number is so high.

NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I mean, it should scare you. This is an effort by big government socialist to profoundly change America, even Joe Manchin has said in the last hours, he doesn't want to change America. And then, he can --- he although he's a Democrat, he said this bill is designed to profoundly change America, to create a welfare dependency and I think it has stunned him as a West Virginian how far they've gone.

I think the people need to realize this is not an accident. These people are determined to take your money, to rebuild your country with them in control.

And you see it right now in the fight over vaccines, when you know, school teachers are being fired, nurses are being fired, policemen are being fired -- do we really want more big government bureaucracies led by politicians totally out of touch with reality? And I think, Sean, you're exactly on target here.

Everybody watching tonight should call their congressmen their senators and demand that they stop these bills. It looks right now, like Senator Sinema in Arizona and Senator Manchin are going to stop the bill in the Senate it looks right now it may change but like the left-wing Democratic party is going to be an open rebellion in the House before the end of the week. If all of that comes together then these bills will collapse of their own weight.

And we did a poll in a project we're doing called the American Majority Project and can I just say, only one out of every six Americans one out of six favors big government socialism.

HANNITY: Okay, so the New Deal, FDR, Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, lofty ideas, I can understand because it's been tried in many countries, many forms, many names, socialism, communism, redistributionism, whatever, and it always ends the same way. I put this in my last book that I wrote before the election, that is socialism's history of failure.

And in the name of false security, the guarantee of everything, people are willing to give up their freedom and I don't have to worry about anything. My government's going to provide.

Now, it sounds appealing. You'll never have any stress in your life, but aren't these the same people that promised that you would keep your doctor, plan and save money, and millions lost their doctors and plans and we all pay 250 percent more? Aren't these the same Democrats that have destroyed our public school system, the same people that can't keep their city safe and secure, that don't believe in law and order?

You know, my question then therefore is based on their horrific track record, why is -- why does why are so many people caught up in the false hope and promises that everything is going to be free we'll just steal it from the other guy?

Look, I don't think you can explain what's happened to America without looking at the news media. The effort by the elite media to not cover everything that's going on, to protect Joe Biden, to protect the Democrats. You know, when you go out and you start looking and you begin to realize first of all, I just want to say, the best country in the world by definition is the United States for a practical reason.

Where do people try to get in? You see a big crowd getting into Russia? You see a big crowd getting into China? No.

People want to come here because up until now, we've avoided big government socialism. We've had freedom. We've had entrepreneurship. We've created wealth.

Now, people are dramatically better off in America. And it's a strange thing that the left wing of the Democratic Party is committed to making us as sick as Venezuela or Zimbabwe or some of the European countries with systems that don't work. I mean, you go out and you look, and all these big bureaucracies are hopelessly incompetent. They need to be much smaller, much more effective, much better run.

And why we would give them with all of their failures this kind of money I think tells you how ideologically driven the big socialist Democrats are. And virtually all of them with the possible exception of Manchin and Sinema, virtually all of them are committed to higher taxes, bigger government, more control over your life. And this is a real fight I think over the very nature of America and what kind of country our children and grandchildren are going to live in.

HANNITY: All right. So let me -- let me ask you this, maybe I'm not giving Manchin and Sinema enough credit but $1.5 trillion on top of all of the trillions we've already spent -- okay, that's the if you add the $1.2 trillion to it -- well, that's $2.7 trillion. Then you add the $600 billion. You know, now, we're over $3 trillion. 2019, we only took -- we only spent $4.4 trillion, this is on top of all the COVID money.

I don't think it ever comes a time when you get to pay that money back. You were the last person as speaker to balance a budget and you did it by managing the growth of government. Remember Medicare, 7 percent increase every year for seven years, and they were screaming it was a cut, even though you're increasing it seven percent a year, just lowering the rate of increase.

GINGRICH: Look, let me say, first of all, you -- if we had a Republican Congress --

HANNITY: That brings memories, I know, right?

GINGRICH: -- and Republican president -- yeah, but I'm just saying, if we had a if we had a serious Republican Congress and a serious Republican president, we'd be back to a balanced budget in five to seven years because there's so much waste, so much incompetence in the current bureaucracies, you could -- you could get rid of huge chunks and they would actually work better, not worse.

There are 240,000 people in the Department of Homeland Security. That's inconceivable. You know, give you a good example on the border. If we went back to the Trump model of the border and allowed the border patrol to actually do its job, we would dramatically cut the number of people illegally coming into the United States within 48 hours.

So I'm an optimist, not with the current gang, because the current gang, they want illegal immigrants to come in and you'll notice by the way in California and Vermont, they're starting to allow illegal immigrants to vote. Now that tells you part of the Democratic Party's model, they can't win with regular Americans.

They sure can't win with people who come here legally from these countries because almost every person I meet who's come from a foreign country legally will say to you, this is what I got away from. I don't want these guys to be in charge.

And I think that we could fix it, but we're never going to fix it if the big government socialists are in charge.

HANNITY: Yeah, Mr. Speaker, great to have you back. Thank you for your analysis as always.

Here with more, former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown. He's also the former ambassador to New Zealand for four years. And "New York Post" columnist, FOX News contributor, Miranda Devine, who refuses to send me her Trump manuscript on Hunter Biden's laptop from hell, and I thought we were friends and I don't know why. But I'm giving Miranda a hard time.

I don't know if you want to be called senator or ambassador um. You know, it's very interesting because I know you're friends with Joe Manchin and maybe I'm not being fair enough to Joe Manchin but -- and he says I did compromise. I went from zero to $1.5 trillion. That's also on top of $1.2 trillion, also on top of $600 billion, also on top of all of the trillions we spent on COVID, Senator/Ambassador, whichever you prefer to be called.

And I believe he's going to stay firm. I'm not sure. He's getting his arm twisted left and right, what have you heard? You're friends with him.

SCOTT BROWN, FORMER U.S. SENATOR: Yeah, listen, first of all, it's great to be on. Good to see everybody again after four years. But more importantly, yeah, Joe is a good guy and he's getting a tremendous amount of pressure from obviously Schumer and all the other liberal Democrats, not only from the House, the Senate, the president.

So, he's under fire. So I would encourage your viewers and listeners to actually give him an attaboy and say, listen, hang tough, because, respectfully, he's the only person holding this freight train back. And you look at what's happening, Sean, you've highlighted quite a few things within this boondoggle of a bill. But the thing that really bothers me is they want to hire an army of IRS agents to go and investigate your bank accounts, your Venmo transactions, a lot of the things that you do that may be of six seven eight hundred dollars.

Well, hey, guess what? Now, you're going to pay taxes on it. Does anyone remember Lois Lerner in the and the power that they abused back then? And then you throw in the union boss's, $250 tax deduction for union dues, that goes to line the pockets of union dues, $630 billion to the New Green Deal to prop that up.

Listen, there's so much waste. It's out of control and I'm thankful that Joe is there and he's trying to do his very, very best. But respectfully, the good news is we live in a country where we have elections every two and four years. You have an election coming up. That's why Herschel Walker who was on last night, who I spoke with today.

That's why my wife and others around the country are so infuriated, and I end with this --

HANNITY: By the way, your wife is running for Congress in New Hampshire where you're originally from.

BROWN: That's right. Yeah, we've been there since I -- eight years now after Massachusetts. My whole family's up there and I wish her well. And she's just so upset about what's happening. She's decided to stop complaining and actually run.

But you know what? Remember reconciliation, that is like -- I have night sweats. That's what they use when I got elected to stop me from stopping Obamacare. They used this -- these -- they went through machinations to actually find a mechanism to ram it through and here we are stuck with Obamacare. Well, guess what?

Nancy Pelosi is doing the same thing. They're going to go through political machinations, do something that's hardly ever done except for Obamacare and these massive bills, just to avoid the public. And guess what? The public is paying attention, Madam Speaker, and they're upset, and they're going to show it in and they're going to show it in the election coming up.

HANNITY: I'll tell you something and I'll throw this to Miranda, I honestly think AOC wins this battle against Pelosi. I don't think AOC's giving in and I think AOC is going to show Pelosi what I've been saying for a long time. Nancy Pelosi is speaker named only. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the speaker.

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well she certainly has a lot more power than she ought to have and if she does vote for this, you'll see her perhaps weeping on the floor again. And you know that she will and the progressives will have been offered something under the table by Nancy Pelosi. And, you know, the bill, the $3.5 trillion bill that they're having such trouble with, up to two and a half thousand pages plus long, do you think Nancy Pelosi has read the whole thing? Do you think Joe Biden has any clue what's in it?

I mean, we're talking about things we don't like. What about free college, free health care for illegal aliens? What about the fact that there's no COVID testing for people streaming across the border and yet now we're looking at vaccine mandates that will be enforced by making the fines on companies ten times greater than they are now? Seventy thousand to $700,000 per infringement by companies that don't abide by the vaccine mandate that Joe Biden's enforced on us.

And I think the vaccines are great, but you don't force people to do this by bankrupting companies that they own.

HANNITY: Let me -- let me just shift it a little bit. I've talked about open borders. We have about a minute, Scott Brown, and I mentioned countries like Antigua, and Belize, and St. Kitts and Nevis, and Cyprus and Turkey, even Canada, Australia and New Zealand, how much would it cost for me to get a passport in New Zealand if I invested in the right businesses there and how long would it take?

BROWN: Well, you're Sean Hannity, you could probably do it overnight. But the average person would take a little time.

HANNITY: Okay, really I need that like I need a hole in the head. No, but the reality is you can buy your way in. And my point is, they try to sneak in amnesty again.

Now, I'm pro-immigration, legal immigration, and I don't care where you come from, but follow the process. You should have a security check, a health check and you should be able to provide for yourself if you get here then I don't care where you come from welcome aboard, but follow the law.

Quickly, how much would it be in New Zealand?

BROWN: Oh, listen, if you have a profession, a doctor, a nurse, something like that, you'll get in right away. But it'll cost you and take a little time. You can ask some of the people that have tried it.

HANNITY: Yeah, but the point is we give away citizenship and we'll they -- they're trying to give it away free. If every other country is selling citizenship, maybe we ought to get into the business because what we know what, we obviously need the money.

All right. Thank you both. All right, we got to roll though, guys. Thank you.

All right. Straight ahead, deep state in trouble again following the release of the IG report. Greg Jarrett breaks that down, and also the border crisis continues to worsen. Sara Carter and Lara Logan weigh in, straight ahead.


HANNITY: At this hour, divisions among Democrats are threatening to derail the Biden agenda and it's serious tonight and the House has yet to vote on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure package, which remember is separate from the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill that Democratic Senator Joe Manchin and others say they oppose in its current form. He's only going to $1.5 trillion.

Here to explain all the details, our own Chad Pergram.

And, Chad, the hitchhiker's guide to all things the swamp, what I find interesting about this is the squad has been very firm. We either get the $3.5 trillion package or we're not voting yea on the $1.2 trillion. Is that holding and is Pelosi going to blink?

CHAD PERGRAM, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Well, the person who's getting rolled right now is Nancy Pelosi. That might not be the case at the end of the day, but Nancy Pelosi does not have the votes. If the House had the votes to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill, the House would vote. And that explains why the vote has not yet happened.

There are intense negotiations to work out a framework for the social spending package right now. Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia finally made it clear that he only supports $1.5 trillion in spending.


SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): I've never been a liberal in any way shape of the form, and I have voted pretty consistently all my whole life. I don't fault any of them who believe that they're much more progressive and much more liberal. God bless them and all they need to do is we have to elect more I guess for them to get theirs, elect more liberals.


PERGRAM: FOX obtained a memo written over the summer where Manchin indicated $1.5 trillion was all he could back. It was believed that Manchin's scathing statement on Wednesday about excessive spending was to show he was not up for negotiations. But the leak of the memo from the summertime underscores that Manchin is, otherwise you wouldn't leak the memo and you wouldn't argue for an exact figure.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected the notion that Democrats should tone down their ambitious agenda because of narrow majorities in the House and Senate.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: From what I imply from -- infer from what you say is that we should have just done nothing because we had a slim majority? That's not who we are. No, it's not too big, no it's not too big. In fact, it will be a compromise.


PERGRAM: Historically, Pelosi doesn't go to the floor and lose and her calling card is winning big votes by narrow margins. But this may take days to sort out -- Sean.

HANNITY: My money's on AOC and the squad. I don't know. If I was a -- if I had a chance to bet, I'd bet on AOC. I don't think she --

PERGRAM: Well, the issue there -- the issue there is that they have taken a hostage this is the language they speak on in here on Capitol Hill. They've taken a hostage and they're willing to shoot the hostage, and then they don't get anything. They don't get the infrastructure bill. They don't get the $3.5 trillion.

HANNITY: That's not AOC's problem. AOC sticking up for her constituency as is the rest of the Squad, I don't think they care. And it might -- it might in the end actually put Pelosi's job in jeopardy. Let's see. This is going to play out. It's going to be very interesting.

Chad, hitchhiker's guide all things swamp, thanks for being with us.

Also developing tonight, oh, John Durham is back, reportedly has now issued more subpoenas in his investigation of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, including to the Clinton-linked law firm that we talked an awful lot about.

Remember Clinton and the DNC she was controlling, they funnel money through this law firm, Perkins Coie, which then, of course, used the money and they funnel it to Fusion GPS. They hired Christopher Steele. He comes up with the dirty Russian disinformation dossier, full of nothing but unverifiable lies. We can verify now that they're lies.

Now, those Clinton bought and paid for lies, then they were used in the Carter Page FISA warrant four times, every three months, as a back door way of spying on Donald Trump's campaign, his transition team and Donald Trump as president. And we're learning tonight even more about the extent of the FBI and DOJ's FISA abuse.

Remember the one percent, not 99, as new in findings from the Inspector General Michael Horowitz, are uncovering even more widespread surveillance abuses across dozens of different warrants. Now, the watchdog report found errors in a sample of just 29 FISA applications reviewed. That can't happen.

I support FISA because we needed for -- to protect against enemies abroad, not to be used and weaponized against American citizens, politically.

Here to break it all down, FOX News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett.

Gregg, you wrote two best sellers on this very topic. We were right. They were wrong. You did great work as our whole ensemble cast did and now we have more vindication tonight.

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: That's right. Durham appears to be widening the net and zeroing in on additional people, closing in on them that may face potential criminal indictment because it's a crime to knowingly lie to the FBI, to frame somebody, in this case Donald Trump. And the documents clearly show it was Hillary Clinton who invented the lie and then she delegated her dirty work, Sean, to a coterie of confederates, including, as you point out, the Perkins Coie law firm that not only allegedly disseminated the lie of the Trump Russia hoax, but they lied about their clients.

So other additional charges could include fault statements to the FBI, obstruction of justice and because more than one individual was involved, a criminal conspiracy.

What's so terribly revealing about this Durham indictment, 27 pages long, is how vivid it is in the detail the evidence he's accumulated, times, dates, places, specific individuals who not only knew that it was all alive but they had evidence that it was untrue which they concealed from the FBI.

Here's just one smoking gun email I'll read one line it tells the whole story. It reads, we don't have any evidence, quote, the only thing that drives us now is that we just do not like Donald Trump. So, in other words, this was all driven the greatest delusion in American political history by a hatred of Donald Trump and a thirst for power by Hillary Clinton and the power she could confer to her acolytes surrounding her.

HANNITY: You know, it's incredible.

Now, the only problem I have with this is Michael Horowitz's report that took a long time to put together was a road map. This could have been done expeditiously. Why it's taken this long is unconscionable and it should have been finished long before the election in 2020. That part to me is unforgivable.

Now, what we do know is it seems like all fingers are pointing back to the Clinton campaign. Let's see how this plays out.

Gregg Jarrett, thank you.

All right. Now, we turn our focus to Joe Biden's worsening security, humanitarian and public health catastrophe. That would be our southern border, where illegal immigrants continue to pour into the country. No requirement that they show negative COVID tests or proof of a vaccine.

Now get this, according to a DHS whistleblower now listen closely -- Border Patrol now have been put on notice. You get vaccinated by November 1 or you will be terminated. So border patrol agents must be vaccinated, illegal immigrants with a -- you know, waiting, you know, waltzing across the border, they don't need to be vaccinated. There's no mandate. They don't even get COVID tested.

It's the biggest super spreader event in the history of this country, even the DHS Secretary Mayorkas admitting it's as high as 1.5 million illegal -- I'm sorry, one out of five illegal immigrants that are COVID positive. We've had over 1.5 million come in.

And without a COVID test or a vaccine, they're going to be bused or flown to all different parts of the country. But the open border madness doesn't stop there, because new DHS guidelines reportedly say that someone shouldn't be deported just for being in the country illegally. Okay, explain that to me.

So let's be clear, Joe Biden is surrendering American sovereignty not only not enforcing the laws of our land which he sworn to do, but also aiding and abetting the law breaking, which is making our country less safe, less secure, more dangerous and he's doing it by putting vaccine mandates on you the American people. He's not even testing the illegal immigrants with a high rate of COVID positivity, whether they have COVID, and nor is he mandating a vaccine. I mean. this is absolute madness.

Now, we're going to fire border patrol agents and we see what's happening at the border, it's madness. It's mayhem. And it's more evidence of the -- you know, Biden's America last agenda.

Here from McAllen, Texas, tonight, investigative reporter Sara Carter.

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yeah, Sean. Morale has never been lower and I've been coming to the border since probably early 2004. I've never seen anything like this. Morale is low. In fact, Border Patrol agents say with these new guidelines issued by DHS Secretary Mayorkas, they don't even know what their job description is.

I spoke earlier today to National Border Patrol Council Vice President Chris Cabrera, he not only talked about these new guidelines issued by Mayorkas, but he also talked about the alleged mandate to vaccinate all of the Border Patrol agents in the force or they face termination, regardless of whether or not the illegal migrants are even getting tested.

Listen to what he had to say.


CHRIS CABRERA, NATIONAL BORDER PATROL COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT: I think that's just that's just silly. I mean, that's just a silly, silly reasoning. I mean, you're in the country illegally, you're subject to removal. That's what the law says.

And for him to say otherwise is just -- I don't know if it's wishful thinking on his part, if he doesn't know what we do for a living, what apparently what he does for a living. It's just -- it's ridiculous.

CARTER: Border Patrol agents have to be vaccinated by November 1st or face termination. That's completely the opposite of what's being required of migrants. Migrants aren't even being tested. How do agents feel about that?

CABRERA: Yeah, agents are upset and rightfully so. You know, some people have different views than others on the vaccine and we're being required to take it however people that are coming in the country illegally already breaking one law and they're getting preferential treatment and not being required to take this -- this vaccine that's being forced on us.


CARTER: Sean, the Border Patrol agents say because of the Biden administration's actions here at the border, it sent a message out to people all across the world that we're wide open, we're open for business. Right now, there's about -- between fifty thousand and a hundred thousand people just from Haiti alone, reportedly making their way up from Panama and Central America to the U.S., Mexico border. And that doesn't even include the tens of thousands of other people from all over the world that are making their way here and not the 1.5 million that you just mentioned earlier.

HANNITY: Sara, this is important, 85,000, they're saying they're on the way.


CARTER: Border Patrol agents are frustrated, they're angry, and they want something to change.

HANNITY: There are 85,000 on their way now.

CARTER: Right, right. So there is between 50,000 and 85,000. This is coming from government officials in Panama right now, and sources that I've spoken to on the ground. It's very, very concerning. When you think about it, those numbers are just the Haitians. That doesn't include people from all over the world, people from other parts of South America, and they're seeing those numbers grow. So they're saying as the weather starts to temper, they're going to expect more and more people and they just don't have the resources, Sean, to handle this.

HANNITY: All right. Sara Carter, down at our southern border, thank you.

Here with more reaction to tonight's breaking news, FOX Nation host Lara Logan, along with FOX News contributor Lara Trump.

Lara, let me start with you.

So, we have preferential treatment for illegal immigrants. No COVID tests, no vaccine mandate, but we're going to fire border patrol. Then you've got apparently Mayorkas and that idiot Blinken who belongs in Afghanistan behind enemy lines where he abandoned people, and Garland. Now, they're going to go to Mexico. Why don't they go to Texas? Why don't they talk to the border patrol that they're going to fire as they offer preferential treatment to illegal immigrants that don't respect our laws, our borders or our sovereignty?

LARA TRUMP, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, just what a disgrace to see that our border agents are being treated this way. Sorry we have two Laras, I'm assuming it's me. But I think it's horrible to see this happening, to our border agents.

Obviously, these people are overwhelmed. We don't even have enough of them as there are now. They're going to fire people if they don't get vaccinated? Give me a break.

As it relates to the three you just mentioned on this trip to Mexico, Sean, if they are going down to Mexico to do anything other than reinstate the Trump immigration policies, then they are wasting Mexico's time. They are wasting taxpayer money. They are going to further embarrass the United States on the world stage.

If this is like a Kamala Harris, you know, root causes of migration trip, then spare us don't waste our time with this. Don't waste our money with this. They ought to go to the national archives museum instead and pick up a copy of the United States Constitution. Clearly, nobody has read that.

HANNITY: Really well said. You know, this is the difference, Lara, between America first and now it's America last.

Lara Logan, let me go to you I want to get your thoughts on it. But more importantly, weigh in on -- we're not vetting people at the border. I think -- I believe in legal immigration. You got to respect our laws and sovereignty.

And we got also -- I would have as a criteria, background check to make sure you don't have radical associations in the middle of a pandemic, a health check, and you got to show that you're able to take care of yourself and will not be a financial burden on the American people if you get one of these highly coveted spots that other countries sell, and otherwise, then welcome to the country. I don't care where you come from.

Your thoughts?

LARA LOGA, FOX NATION HOST: Well, Sean, this is really a very dark day for the United States of America and you hit on the key word leading into this. You said sovereignty. This is about the sovereignty of the United States of America. In fact, this is the end of sovereignty, not just of this nation, you know, in terms of our borders, but in terms of our own sovereignty.

What is the United States Constitution? It is the only document in the world that actually enshrines God-given rights and protects them with a document that is written by man. And what they've done here is eviscerate the Constitution. It has been obliterated in one motion like this, and they're giving legal rights to people who are in the United States illegally, while they obliterate the law and that is by design.

You know, Sean, you will remember from the very beginning, what have I said? That when you look at the border and the administration's policies, they have never taken a single action to, A, acknowledge a crisis, to, B, change the outcome, and to, C, acknowledge this as illegal. Why?

Because for them, this is not a crisis. It is not illegal. They've removed that language even from the lexicon and they have obliterated the immigration agencies. They have abolished ICE without abolishing ICE. Just like Obama said, we shouldn't have used the words defund the police, why was that? Because then you will know what they really intend to do.

And that's what they've done here. They've obliterated the sovereignty of this nation. They are implementing an open border policy. They are literally implementing the ideology of the Open Society Foundations, and nobody wants to talk about that. It's the big elephant in the room, but they have advisors from that organized who are advising the Biden administration.

This is their policy of safe, orderly, legal ways of regular and irregular migration and it's not just the people coming from Panama, it's all of the people that they say have a legal right to head for this country.

And UNICEF and the U.N. provide the guide not how to get to safety, but how to cross all the other countries of the world and make a beeline for this nation, because when they are done, there will not be in America. We don't have sovereignty of our bodies. We have to take a vaccine that's not really a vaccine, an mRNA. We have to do all of these things.

HANNITY: I will say this, they are offering something of great value. Every other country sells it. You've got to respect our laws, borders, and sovereignty.

Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller, remember the one in the brig, his family will join us tonight.


HANNITY: Tonight, we are continuing to follow the disturbing developments around Marine Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller, who back in August posted video demanding account ability for the leadership failures in Afghanistan. But now, he's actually been thrown behind bars, is locked in the brig for reasons we are still seeking answers.

Here now is his parents, Stu and Cathy, along with Congressman Louie Gohmert, who today personally met with Lieutenant Colonel Scheller.

You know, his parents, let me ask you both, it's got to be brutal. Your son told the truth. They failed our fellow Americans in Afghanistan. Now, they're going to punish him? Where does it stand at this hour?

STU SCHELLER, SON IN MILITARY PRISON: We got some very encouraging news this evening. As it stands right now, he will remain in jail until early next week. He's being treated fairly. He sent a message that the guards are treating him well. He --

HANNITY: You haven't seen -- you have not seen your son?

S. SCHELELR: We have not talked to him and we have not heard from him but I have to tell you, the American people -- three days ago, Sean, we talked to you on your radio program and for three days, we've been asking Americans to find their voice, to stand up, demand justice, and be heard by Congress members.


S. SCHELLER: And to pray.

And I will tell you, I am encouraged by Americans. As my son said in one of his videos, we are not as divided as they want us to think we are.

My heartfelt thanks goes to Representative Louie Gohmert from Texas. I have not met you yet, sir, I look forward to meeting you, but I understand you traveled to Camp Lejeune today, and I understand you were instrumental in helping our son, Stuart Scheller, as well as the United States Marine Corps, begin to have discussions on how we could amicably settle this.

HANNITY: Louie, how is he doing, and tell us about today.

REP. LOUIE GOHMERT (R-TX): Thank you, Sean.

And, Mr. and Mrs. Scheller, he looks good. He sounds good. And we did have a wonderful discussion. Not at first, because they weren't going to let me in, but I'm grateful to General Shafer (ph) for stepping in and making sure that we had the opportunity to visit.

He's got good attorneys. The military attorney, good lawyer, and Brian is just terrific and he's doing good, but let me tell you, there are people in that brig that like Stu, and so please know that and they --

HANNITY: Let me ask this.

GOHMERT: The chief, he's good, he likes him.

S. SCHELLER: Representative, we have received -- go ahead, Sean.

HANNITY: I'm just out of time. All three of you will be on my radio show tomorrow, and I'm saying this to this audience. Every American needs to contact their congressmen and senators and put an end to this.

S. SCHELLER: It is not over yet! It is not over yet, and nothing has been -- by the way --

GOHMER: By the way, Sean, Marjorie Taylor Greene has offered him a job, and he was thrilled to know that that when he's out he's got a place.

HANNITY: Every American now, you will be on a radio show tomorrow -- needs to hp. Pay attention to this, it's important, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. Please set your DVR so you never miss an episode.

In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. "THE INGRAHAM ANGLE" is next. We'll see you tomorrow night.

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