The Kansas county commissioner who drew ire after he made a comment about “the master race” to a black woman has resigned.

Leavenworth County Commissioner Louis Klemp made the remark when Triveece Penelton was giving a presentation during a Nov. 13 meeting. He was apparently not happy with the options being presented by her and a colleague.

“I don’t want you to think I am picking on you because we are part of the master race,” Klemp told Penelton. “You have a gap in your teeth. We are part of the master race. Don’t you forget that.”

Klemp, 80, faced immediate backlash, including from Republican Gov. Jeff Colyer who asked him to step down from his position. Klemp has reportedly heeded that call, according to his resignation letter published by KSHB-TV.

“In order to maintain a focus and prioritize the needs of the county I have made a decision to resign,” Klemp said. “I regret my recent comment made during a Leavenworth County Commission Meeting and for the negative backlash to the community.”


He said the remark was “definitely not racially motivated” but instead an “attempt at identifying a similarity (space between our teeth).” He said he has also apologized to Penelton.

Leavenworth County Administrator Mark Loughry previously told KSHB-TV Klemp often "made reference that those with a gap in their front teeth are members of the master race." He said it was "ill-advised," but Klemp wasn't attempting to be racist or reference Nazis.

Klemp's resignation went into effect Tuesday morning.

Klemp has made comments in the past that have raised eyebrows. Last year, he was criticized after he said he admired General Robert E. Lee of the Confederate Army, saying he was a “wonderful part of history.”

According to The New York Times, Klemp was appointed to his position by the county’s Republican Party after a different commissioner resigned.

Fox News' Louis Casiano contributed to this report.