Yemen officials: Saudi-led airstrike hit wedding, killing 15

Yemeni health officials say an airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition in the country's north hit a wedding party, killing at least 15 people the previous day.

Khaled al-Nadhri, the top health official in the northern province of Hajja, told The Associated Press on Monday that most of the dead were women and children who were gathered in one of the tents set up for the wedding party in the district of Bani Qayis.

He says the bride was also among the dead.

Hospital chief Mohammed al-Sawmali says the groom and 45 of the wounded were brought to the local al-Jomhouri hospital.

The Saudi-led coalition has been waging a war on Yemen's Shiite rebels known as Houthis, who control much of the north, to restore the internationally recognized government to power.