Website of court that sentenced anti-Putin punk band hacked

Aug. 17, 2012: Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, right, Yekaterina Samutsevich, left, and Maria Alekhina, center, members of feminist punk group Pussy Riot seen behind a glass wall at a court in Moscow, Russia.

Russian hackers have attacked the website of a Moscow court where three members of the Pussy Riot punk band were tried and sentenced to two years in jail.

The Russian offshoot of the loose-knit movement known as Anonymous tweeted that the website of the Khamovniki district court was down Tuesday morning.

According to search engines' cached pages, the hackers posted Pussy Riot's latest song ridiculing President Vladimir Putin on the website, along with calls to release the band members.

The website was not available later Tuesday.

The three women were punished for an irreverent stunt in February at Moscow's main cathedral in which they asked the Virgin Mary to deliver Russia from Putin, who was elected to a third term two weeks later.

The trial caused an international furor.