Webcam update: Moira signs job contract

After summer break in Greece, it's back to real life for Moira Koffi.

She's starting off the season on a high: Moira just signed her first job contract at the public relations firm where she's been doing an internship.


This is an update of Class of 2012, the AP's yearlong exploration of Europe's economic crisis through the eyes of five young graduates.


Moira's breakthrough contrasts with the frustrations of a fellow Sorbonne graduate with African roots, Jacinthe Adande, profiled in the AP Class of 2012's latest news feature, about discrimination. Four years after graduating, Adande is still looking for a job and fears entrenched discrimination in France's job market is holding her back.

Moira has expressed concern about a racist tide submerging Europe, but has not herself encountered discrimination in employment. In her first job, Moira will be helping to create online games for a blog and tracking social networks.

"I'm pretty excited about it," says Moira.

Moira is also apartment-hunting with two roommates, remaining optimistic while worried about Paris' sky-high rents.


Next up ... Lutz


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