Veteran entertainer Rolf Harris charged with sex crimes

July 1, 2008: Entertainer Rolf Harris arrives on the red carpet for the ARIA Hall of Fame event in Melbourne. (Reuters)

Veteran entertainer Rolf Harris has been charged with indecent assault and making indecent images of children stemming from alleged incidents in the 1980s.

Prosecutors said Thursday he will face nine counts of indecent assault on victims aged 14 and 15 and four counts of making indecent images.

Harris, 83, has been a British broadcasting stalwart for decades. He has had musical hits with "Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport" -- which he once performed with The Beatles -- and "Two Little Boys."

He also has hosted television shows, painted an official portrait of the queen for her 80th birthday in 2006, and performed at the monarch's Diamond Jubilee concert last year.

Harris was first arrested in November. He is scheduled to appear in court next month.