
A retired Massachusetts lawyer called police after he was spurned by a stripper who refused to have sex with him.

Police in Key West, Florida say they were called to the Living Dolls Strip Club by a man who claims he paid Marianny Benitez $100 for a private dance, and an additional $200 for “more." Benitez refused his offer but declined to return his money, according to the Miami Herald.

John L. Ciardi “became upset and requested a refund,” police said.

Benitez told the officer she went to the lobby of the club to meet with her manager, Marisa Hernandez, when Ciardi “became aggressive,” according to the Herald.

Hernandez told police that Ciardi threatened her and that he would destroy the club if he didn’t get his money back. She says she pointed a can of pepper spray at Ciardi and notified Key West Police Department.

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Police officers said that when they told Ciardi that they would not arrest Benitez, he “Ciardi became enraged and began using vulgar language.”

Although both women decided not to press charges against Ciardi, he told officers he would return to the club and make a “citizen’s arrest.” Officers cautioned him if he did, he would be arrested.

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