UN will help Guantanamo refugees with housing in Uruguay, president says

Uruguay's President Tabare Vazquez speaks to reporters as he arrives to the CEO Summit of the Americas in Panama City, Friday, April 10, 2015. The second CEO Summit organized by Panama's government and the Inter-American Development Bank, gathers business and political leaders, just before the start of the VII Summit of the Americas. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo) (The Associated Press)

Uruguay's president says the U.N. refugee agency will help six former Guantanamo prisoners obtain housing in his country.

President Tabare Vazquez told reporters at the Summit of the Americas in Panama that each of the six will soon have a home, thanks to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.

The six freed prisoners have struggled to adapt to life in Uruguay since arriving in December following years of captivity at Guantanamo. They have not gotten jobs and are getting by on about $600 a month provided by a non-governmental organization.