UN Security Council reaffirms unconditional support for maintaining UN force in Golan Heights

The U.N. Security Council is reaffirming its "unconditional support" for maintaining the U.N. peacekeeping force in the Golan Heights to monitor the 1974 agreement that established a buffer zone between Syria and Israel.

The mission's future had been clouded by the spillover of the Syrian war. Peacekeepers have become targets of al-Qaida-linked rebels who recently seized and later freed 45 Fijians.

A presidential statement approved by the 15-member council Friday said Israel must remain committed to the agreement that followed the 1973 Mideast war, despite the withdrawal of the majority of the U.N. force last weekend. The region has been destabilized by fighting between Syrian government forces and opposition fighters.

The council called the 12,000-strong force known as UNDOF vital "to peace and security in the Middle East."