UN condemns attack on Iranian dissident group camp near Baghdad, calls for investigation

The U.N. has condemned a rocket attack on a camp housing an Iranian exile group near Baghdad.

On Thursday, rockets were fired on Camp Liberty, home to members of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, the militant wing of a Paris-based Iranian opposition.

The group said three residents were killed and more than 50 wounded. Iraqi officials said the only casualties were two people wounded.

In a statement Friday, the U.N. envoy to Iraq Nickolay Mladenov says a number of residents were killed and injured, but gave no number.

Mladenov called on the Iraqi government to protect the camp and investigate the incident.

The group, which opposes Iran's clerical regime, fought in the 1980s alongside Saddam Hussein's forces in the Iran-Iraq war, and several thousand of its members were given sanctuary in Iraq.