UK Supreme Court decides in landmark ruling to reopen cases where a party was dishonest

Britain's Supreme Court has ruled in favor of two women who argued their ex-husbands misled judges about their true wealth during divorce proceedings — a landmark decision that may reopen other settlements.

The ruling involves the cases of Alison Sharland, 48, from northern England, and Varsha Gohil, 50, from London. Both claimed their former spouses misled judges during proceedings.

The court indicated their claims would return to the High Court for consideration.

Lawyers suggest may "open the floodgates" for people to renegotiate historic settlements where a party misleads the court.

Graham Coy, a partner at law firm Mundays, says, "It just goes to show that if you don't put all your cards on the table when divorcing it might come back to bite you further down the line."