Uganda: Wanted LRA commander who was deputy of warlord Joseph Kony believed killed last year

Uganda's military says it believes a senior rebel commander with the infamous Lord's Resistance Army was killed last year in Central African Republic following an attack by African forces.

Ugandan military spokesman Lt. Col. Paddy Ankunda said Monday that Okot Odhiambo — who was the LRA's No.2 commander behind the fugitive warlord Joseph Kony — likely died of his wounds after an attack in October.

Ankunda said the accounts of LRA defectors provide "a corroborating picture" of Odhiambo's death even though his body hasn't been found.

Ben Keesey, the head of the LRA watchdog group Invisible Children, said Odhiambo's death, if confirmed, would be "a huge blow" to the LRA, which has been in decline amid a United States-backed international hunt for its leaders in the jungles of central Africa.