UAE criticizes Amnesty International report over its 'unprecedented clampdown on dissent'

The United Arab Emirates has criticized a new Amnesty International report describing an "unprecedented clampdown on dissent," saying the human rights group was "one-sided" and "inaccurate."

Amnesty said in its nearly 80-page report released Tuesday that more than 100 activists had been arrested and prosecuted since 2011. It said some were tortured and sentenced after flawed trials.

Amnesty said that beyond the UAE's image of glitz and glamor is a "much uglier reality" for people calling for democratic reform.

In its response Wednesday, the UAE Foreign Ministry said those arrested were aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood group, "whose objective is to seek the overthrow of the UAE Government."

In a statement carried on the official WAM news agency, the ministry said the government acted to protect its national integrity.