Two Gaza rockets hit Israel: police

A trail of smoke is seen as a rocket is launched from the Gaza Strip towards southern Israel, on October 24, 2012. Two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip have hit southern Israel but caused no damage or casualties, a police spokeswoman told AFP. (AFP/File)

Two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip hit southern Israel on Wednesday but caused no damage or casualties, a police spokeswoman said.

"The rockets landed in the Eshkol region," Luba Samri told AFP, adding that "security forces are searching for their remains".

A lone rocket hit the same area on Sunday, and two hit southern Israel last Thursday, none causing any damage or casualties.

The last incident of cross-border fire between Israel and the Islamist Hamas-ruled Gaza was on June 24, when the radical Islamic Jihad group fired five rockets at Israel, which retaliated with air strikes.

As the ruling authority in Gaza, Hamas is responsible for ensuring that militant groups respect the terms of a truce brokered by Egypt that ended a major eight-day confrontation with Israel in November.