Turkish police detain suspect for Syrian activists' murder

Turkey's official news agency says police have detained a suspect in connection with the murder of a prominent Syrian activist and her U.S.-born daughter.

Anadolu news agency reported Saturday that leads from security cameras led police to a Syrian national in the western province of Bursa. The suspect is allegedly a relative of the slain opposition activist, 60-year-old Arouba Barakat.

Barakat and her 23-year-old daughter, Halla, were stabbed in their Istanbul home last week. Halla Barakat worked as a journalist for the opposition's Orient news.

The slayings shook the Syrian opposition community and prompted U.S. State Department condemnation.

Arouba Barakat's sister, Shaza, told The Associated Press last week that her family had been critical of Syrian President Bashar Assad's government and suggested it might have been behind the killings.