Trump says Japanese leader sought relationship

The Latest on President Donald Trump's trip to Asia (all times local):

8:24 p.m.

President Donald Trump says Japan's leader enthusiastically sought a relationship.

Speaking at a banquet in Tokyo Monday, Trump recalled that after his 2016 victory he heard from numerous world leaders, including Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Trump said he didn't know that it was customary to wait to meet other leaders until after you take office, and he told Abe he'd be happy to meet with him "any time."

The president said that when he tried to delay, Abe was already on a plane to New York, "so I had to see him." Trump said they had a great meeting and Abe "brought me the most beautiful golf club I've ever seen."

Trump says he enjoyed "every minute" of his visit to Japan — the first stop on a five-country Asian tour.


6 p.m.

President Donald Trump is ratcheting up the pressure on North Korea, refusing to rule out eventual military action and declaring that the United States "will not stand" for Pyongyang menacing America or its Asian allies.

Trump, on the first stop of his lengthy Asia trip, is denouncing North Korea Monday as "a threat to the civilized world."

He exhorted dictator Kim Jong Un to cease weapons testing like the missiles he has fired over Japanese territory in recent weeks.

Trump did not modulate his fiery language on North Korea, declaring that Pyongyang imperiled "international peace and stability."

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe agreed with Trump's assessment that "all options are on the table."