The Latest: Venezuelan protesters cross into western Caracas

People gather for a silent protest outside the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference in homage to the at least 20 people killed in unrest generated after the nation's Supreme Court stripped congress of its last powers, a decision it later reversed, in Caracas, Venezuela, Saturday, April 22, 2017. Saturday's protest is the latest mass gathering in a wave of tumult that has rocked the nation over the last three weeks as demonstrators continue to press for new elections. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano) (The Associated Press)

A protester carries a white flower during a silent protest in homage to the at least 20 people killed in unrest generated after the nation's Supreme Court stripped congress of its last powers, a decision it later reversed, outside the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference in Caracas, Venezuela, Saturday, April 22, 2017. Saturday's protest is the latest mass gathering in a wave of tumult that has rocked the nation over the last three weeks as demonstrators continue to press for new elections. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano) (The Associated Press)

People protest in homage to the at least 20 people killed in unrest generated after the nation's Supreme Court stripped congress of its last powers, a decision it later reversed, during a silent march to the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference in Caracas, Venezuela, Saturday, April 22, 2017. The sign reads in Spanish "This is the dictatorship that Chavez and Fidel dreamed of." In the front of the picture are, from left, lawmaker Tomas Guanipa, lawmaker Miguel Pizarro, lawmaker Jose Manuel Olivares, Miranda state Governor and opposition leader Henrique Capriles, and lawmaker Juan Requesens. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos) (The Associated Press)

The Latest on the political crisis in Venezuela (all times local):

2 p.m.

For the first time in three weeks of protest, demonstrators in Venezuela have crossed from the wealthier eastern side of the nation's capital to the west without encountering resistance from state security.

Opposition lawmaker Freddy Guevara likened the march toward some of the city's more humble neighborhoods as "crossing the Berlin wall."

Tens of thousands of protesters dressed in white are marching in cities around Venezuela Saturday in homage to at least 20 people killed in a wave of unrest that has jolted the nation.

Opposition leaders marched with their arms wrapped around each other into western Caracas Saturday, vowing to continue protesting until new elections are granted.


1:20 p.m.

Thousands of Venezuelans dressed in white are marching in a silent protest paying homage to the at least 20 people killed in unrest generated after the nation's Supreme Court stripped congress of its last powers, a decision it later reversed.

Walking with black bands tied around their arms and carrying signs denouncing President Nicolas Maduro, protesters in Caracas Saturday were heading toward the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference, where they were expecting to pray for those killed.

The protest is the latest mass gathering in a wave of tumult that has rocked the nation over the last three weeks as demonstrators press for new elections.

Those killed include protesters and bystanders struck by gunfire and a dozen dead Friday in overnight clashes and looting that destroyed more than two dozen businesses.