The Latest: Trump praises Macron's 'incredible victory'

The Latest on President Donald Trump's first trip abroad (all times local):

1:25 p.m.

President Donald Trump is praising newly-elected French President Emmanuel Macron as the two leaders meet for the first time.

Trump and Macron met at the U.S. Ambassador to Belgium's residence Thursday for a working lunch.

Trump says Macron had an "incredible victory, all over the world they're talking about it." He added that the two have a lot to discuss, including terrorism.

Macron has said he expects to discuss defense and security issues during the pair's first face-to-face meeting. He has been critical of Trump in the past, including denouncing Trump's musings on abandoning the Paris climate treaty.


1:19 p.m.

President Donald Trump did not respond to a shouted question about whether the British can trust America with intelligence following a series of leaks blamed on U.S. officials.

British authorities are livid over leaks related to the Manchester concert bombing. They include photos detailing evidence about the bomb used in the attack that were published by The New York Times. It is not clear that the newspaper obtained the photos from U.S. officials.

British Prime Minister Theresa May said she plans to raise the issue with President Donald Trump at the NATO summit in Brussels later Thursday.

She says she plans to "make clear to President Trump that intelligence that is shared between our law enforcement agencies must remain secure."


1:15 p.m.

President Donald Trump is meeting with newly-elected French President Emmanuel Macron.

Trump and Macron are holding a working lunch at the U.S. Ambassador to Belgium's residence Thursday.

Macron was elected over far-right opponent Marine Le Pen in the French presidential runoff earlier this month. Trump called him after his victory to congratulate him.

Macron has said he expects to discuss defense and security issues during the meeting. He has been critical of Trump in the past, including denouncing Trump's musings on abandoning the Paris climate treaty.


12:43 p.m.

U.S. first lady Melania Trump cheered up children in a Belgian hospital with Dr. Seuss books and crepe paper flowers while her husband met with European Union leaders.

Young patients at the Queen Fabiola Children's University Hospital used a sketch toy to make a sign reading "Welcome Mrs. Trump."

The first lady, wearing a knee-length dusty rose leather jacket and skirt, toured the hospital Thursday and joined a group of children making paper flowers, a Belgian tradition. Two of the children sitting with her were hooked up to IVs.

They shared opinions on favorite flowers. The first lady said she likes peonies, tulips, roses and especially orchids.

Mrs. Trump also visited the Vatican's children's hospital earlier this week and gave the children Dr. Seuss books.

She's expected to join the spouses of other leaders in town for a NATO summit for a visit to the Magritte Museum and the Belgian royal palace later Thursday.


12:31 p.m.

Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis has joined President Donald Trump for the next leg of his trip and is participating in meetings with European leaders.

The composition of the U.S. delegation has evolved over the course of the president's maiden foreign trip.

Chief of staff Reince Priebus, chief strategist Steve Bannon and commerce secretary Wilbur Ross all returned home after the president's first stop in Saudi Arabia.

And Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka Trump broke off before Trump traveled to Brussels, as previously planned.

The president will be returning to Washington on Saturday after nine days abroad.


12:00 p.m.

European Union Council President Donald Tusk says talks with President Donald Trump reveal differences on key issues, including how to deal with Russia.

Tusk said Thursday that he was not "100 percent sure" the two leaders have "a common position, a common opinion, about Russia." But he said that regarding Ukraine "it seems that we were on the same line."

Trump met with European Union leaders Thursday morning in Brussels.

Tusk also said that "Some issues remain open like climate and trade," where the EU is pushing for full respect of the Paris Agreement on climate and open multilateral trade deals.

But he insisted there was full agreement on many issues, including "first and foremost, on counter terrorism."


11:30 a.m.

President Donald Trump got to meet two European Union Presidents at the same time.

Under the convoluted rules of the 28-nation bloc, Donald Tusk presides over the Council of EU leaders and chairs summit meetings while Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker heads the EU executive.

"You know, Mr President, we have two presidents in the EU," Tusk said as they started their meeting. "I know that," Trump said.

Juncker joked: "There is one too much."

Trump concluded his meeting at the European Union headquarters at about 11:30 a.m. He headed to the U.S. Ambassador to Belgium's residence where he was set to have a working lunch with newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron.


11:00 a.m.

President Donald Trump is speaking with European Union leaders during a meeting in Brussels.

Trump sat down Thursday with Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, and other officials.

Trump publicly cheered for the dissolution of the body when the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU last summer.

Trump is in the midst of a nine-day international trip. It is his first foreign trip and has included stops in Saudi Arabia, Israel and the Vatican.


10:10 a.m.

President Donald Trump is meeting with European Union leaders.

Trump arrived at European Union headquarters Thursday morning. He was greeted by the group's president.

Trump publicly cheered for the dissolution of the body when the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU last summer.

The visit comes as part of Trump's first international trip. The nine-day tour has included rapturous receptions in Saudi Arabia and Israel, and a polite meeting with Pope Francis in Rome.


8:30 a.m.

U.S. President Donald Trump woke to a gorgeous spring morning in Brussels — and a huge flag from Greenpeace criticizing his policies.

Around 7 a.m., the environmental group got on top of a construction crane close to the U.S. embassy where Trump stayed overnight and unfurled a huge banner saying "#RESIST."

Two activists were up in the air to make sure the flag hung straight and would be clearly visible.

Greenpeace has been an ardent critic of Trump's environmental views on climate change and global warming. Those issues will take central stage at the G7 summit in Sicily starting Friday.


6:15 a.m.

President Donald Trump will be in the heart of Europe Thursday to address a continent still reeling from his election and anxious about his support.

Trump is slated to attend his first meeting of NATO, the decades-long partnership that has been rattled by the new president's wavering on honoring its bonds.

Trump has mused about pulling out of the pact because he believed other countries were not paying their fair share. He also has so far refused to commit to abiding by Article 5, in which member nations vow to come to each other's defense.

The president is slated to meet with the heads of European Union institutions after having publicly cheered for the dissolution of the body when the United Kingdom voted to leave the EU.