The Latest: Hungary's plan to shut refugee centers slated

A woman watches a photo of refugees at the opening of a photo exhibit by the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR at the Keleti railway terminal in Budapest, Hungary, Monday, June 20, 2016. Last year thousands of migrants a day were passing through the railway station. on their way to Germany and other western destinations before Hungary built fences on its borders with Serbia and Croatia. (AP Photo/Pablo Gorondi) (The Associated Press)

Photos of refugees are set up at the opening of a photo exhibit by the U.N. refugee agency UNHCR at the Keleti railway terminal in Budapest, Hungary, Monday, June 20, 2016. Last year thousands of migrants a day were passing through the railway station. on their way to Germany and other western destinations before Hungary built fences on its borders with Serbia and Croatia. (AP Photo/Pablo Gorondi) (The Associated Press)

Members of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) stand on the deck of the "Aquarius" during a storm on Sunday June 19, 2016. The humanitarian organisation has joined forces with SOS Mediterranee on the vessel to rescue migrants on their way from North Africa to Europe. (AP Photo/Bram Janssen) (The Associated Press)

The Latest on Europe's migrant crisis (all times local):

14:45 p.m.

The regional head of the U.N.'s refugee agency says Hungary's plan to close its refugee reception centers will make it much more difficult for people granted asylum to integrate, forcing them to leave the country.

Montserrat Feixas Vihe, the UNHCR representative in Central Europe, said Monday it is a "major problem" that conditions in the countries refugees are fleeing from have not improved and that it is now much harder for them to seek protection in Europe.

Feixas Vihe spoke at the opening of a photo exhibit about refugees at Budapest's Keleti railway terminal. Last year, thousands of migrants passed through the terminal each day on their way to Germany and other western destinations before Hungary built fences on its borders with Serbia and Croatia.

Feixas Vihe said that the closing of the centers "means Hungary will not be a place where they can be. They will be forced to go."


11:45 a.m.

Human Rights Watch is urging the EU to stop returning Syrian refugees to Turkey citing a lack of refugee rights.

It said in a statement Monday that refugees in Turkey lack access to jobs, education and health care.

The group's Stephanie Gee said "it is hardly surprising that many are not getting the support they desperately need to maintain livelihoods," considering Turkey is host to over 2 million Syrian refugees.

An EU-Turkey agreement allows Greece to return Syrian asylum seekers to Turkey on the basis it is a "safe third country."

HRW said "safe" should mean not just protection from war or prosecution, but should also include the right to work, health care and education.

The deal is part of efforts to stem the tide of migrants to Europe.