
The Latest on the French president's column (all times local):

10:40 a.m.

The German government says it's important for pro-European forces to set out their ideas for the future of the European Union but isn't offering any immediate assessment of details of French President Emmanuel Macron's latest reform proposals.

The government said in a brief emailed response Tuesday to a query on Macron's plea to voters to choose a stronger EU: "It is important for the pro-European forces to set out their concepts before the European election. The German government supports active discussion on the direction of the European Union."

Alexander Gauland, the co-leader of the far-right opposition Alternative for Germany party, charged that Macron's "proposals for a 'renewal' of the EU would ultimately lead to yet more rules and bureaucracy and further limit the sovereignty of member states." He said that "that will worsen the crisis of the EU."

Gauland said that "the bigger the problems become in France, the more Macron plays global statesman."


9:45 a.m.

French President Emmanuel Macron's plea in the publications of 28 nations for a stronger European Union has gained support from neighboring Belgium and Finland.

In a tweet Tuesday, Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipila offered support for Macron's call for "security, sustainable growth and ambitious climate policy."

Sipila added that people needed to see "the EU that is capable of making decisions and implementing them."

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said he particularly hoped for "a Europe that protects liberty and democracy," according to the agency Belga.

But in France, where Macron's popularity has dipped since his election, there was skepticism.

Nadine Morano of the opposition Republicans said that "in this column, the word France appears just once. This is Macronism — France has to disappear into this European federalism."