Thai students give PM 'Hunger Games' inspired salute

Five Thai university students were detained Wednesday after giving a three-fingered salute inspired by "The Hunger Games" to army-backed prime minister in a daring protest against the country's military government.

The students, wearing T-shirts saying, "Don't Want a Coup," stood up with their backs to Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha while he spoke on a stage in Khon Kaen, a city in the northeast, an area that is a stronghold of former Premier Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a 2006 coup.

They raised three fingers above their heads, a symbol of resistance inspired by the book trilogy and Hollywood blockbuster, before police escorted them out. The five men from Khon Kaen University were taken to a police station and then an army camp, where they questioned by soldiers, human rights lawyer Sasinan Thamnithinan said. She said they have not been charged.

Thai protesters used the salute immediately after the May 22 coup, but have mostly stopped amid police crackdowns on demonstrations.

In "The Hunger Games," the salute symbolizes rebellion against totalitarian rule, signifying thanks, admiration and good-bye to a loved one. But Thai protesters have also cited the French Revolution's values of liberty, equality, fraternity, while others said it means freedom, election and democracy.

Prayuth, often prickly with critics, stopped his speech when the students stood, and smiled calmly. "Anyone else wants to protest? Come quickly. Then I can continue with my speech," he said into the microphone as the audience chuckled.

Since taking power from a civilian, elected government in May, the military has heavily suppressed resistance from opposition groups and activists. Martial law, invoked a few days before the coup, remains in effect and bans political gatherings of five or more people.

"Mockingjay," the third movie in the "The Hunger Games" series, opens in Thai cinemas Thursday.