Teachers and students defend, criticize principal fired for Texas pool party cop comment

NORTH MIAMI, Fla. (WSVN) – North Miami Senior High School's principal has been removed from his position after he took to social media to voice his opinion on a police controversy in Texas involving an officer who was caught on video pushing a black teenage girl to the ground outside a pool party and brandishing his gun at other teens.

Alberto Iber posted a comment on a Miami Herald story regarding the actions of Texas Officer David Eric Casebolt. The post itself has since been removed but not before catching the eyes of others and causing passionate responses he may not have expected. The comment was linked to Iber's Facebook account, which revealed his picture and personal information, including his position at the school.

Iber, who had just finished his first year with the school, said he meant to write the comment anonymously and regrets his actions. He said he never intended to anger anyone. The comment read, "He did nothing wrong. He was afraid for his life. I commend him for his actions."

Tuesday, Casebolt, a 10-year-veteran of the McKinney force, resigned. He had been previously put on administrative leave after the incident.

North Miami Councilman Alix Desulme, a teacher and graduate of the school, said Iber spoke out of turn. "I was shocked by the statement made. When you're a principal of a large body of students, you have to be careful. Choose your words carefully because that does affect the larger population that he serves," he said.

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Iber has since been reassigned to administrative office pending the outcome of the inquiry.

According to a statement released by the Miami-Dade County Public Schools: "Employees are held to a higher standard and by School Board policy, are required to conduct themselves, both personally and professionally, in a manner that represents the school district's core values."

Miami-Dade Superintendent of Schools Alberto Carvalho said Iber's actions were inconsistent with school board policies.

"But," he added, they were more importantly inconsistent "with our expectation of common sense behavior that elevates the dignity and humanity of all, beginning with children."

Attempts to contact Iber were not returned.

Despite the criticism received, one parent said she supports Iber's actions. "He doesn't look at color. We all make mistakes. We all say things we wish we could have taken back. We're not perfect. Just because he's a principal, that doesn't make him perfect. As long as he was getting the job done, that's all that should matter," said Marie Sthilarie.

However, former students are left with mixed reactions. "He should have kept it to himself," said Joshua Gedon.

"[It's] not right he lost his job for expressing his opinion," said Giuseppe Bevilacqua.

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