Sweden issues booklet to citizens advising what to do 'if crisis or war comes'

Sept. 14, 2016: A Swedish Skaraborg Armoured Regiment team trains on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. (Reuters)

Does Sweden think war is brewing?

The Scandinavian country is re-issuing a Cold War-era emergency booklet to its 10 million residents advising them to hold onto their money and to prepare boxes of canned food amid heightened Russian activity in the Baltic Sea region.

"If Sweden is attacked by another country, we will never give up," the new booklet says, according to Sky News. "All information to the effect that resistance is to cease is false.”

Sweden last month issued a warning to civilian maritime traffic in the Baltic Sea a day before the Russian Navy started blasting off rockets there in live fire drills.

"It is important in the light of the deterioration in the security situation in the rest of the world," Sweden’s Civil Contingencies Agency has said in regards to the 20-page booklet, titled “If crisis or war comes.”

Among its advice to Swedes: hold onto hard cash in case money machines no longer work and start putting together an emergency box of canned food items.

The agency said it’s aware that the booklet will raise “questions and some concerns."

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