Survivor of Brussels airport attack recalls smell of 'burnt pig'

This undated photo provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints shows Mormon missionary Fanny Rachel Clain, 20, from Montelimar, France, who was injured in Tuesday's explosion at the Brussels airport. (Mormon Church via AP)

A Mormon missionary from France who survived Tuesday's terror attack on Brussels Zaventem airport spoke for the first time about the experience from her hospital bed Thursday, describing the smell of "burnt pig" that filled the departure hall after the blasts.

Fanny Rachel Clain, 20, had been dropped off at the airport by three other missionaries, all of whom were injured in the attacks. She was on her way to Cleveland to take up a missionary assignment.

"I had just arrived in the [check-in] queue and suddenly there was this huge noise. I found myself on the ground. There was ash everywhere," Clain told the Belgian newspaper HLN. "I got up and went out out as soon as possible."

After she made her way outside the damaged terminal, Clain realized that she had suffered burns to her hands and face. She had also suffered a leg injury.

"I caught sight of myself in a mirror and I was half burned," she said. "I didn't look too much. It burned, it just burned. I didn't really feel my leg - it was the burns that hurt most.

"The people [around me] were super nice," she continued. "Perhaps because we are used to [seeing attacks] on TV, I just did what I had to do: join the others and wait for help."

Clain's fellow missionaries, all from Utah, are expected to survive. She told HLN she wants to resume her mission in the U.S. once she is recovered.

"I'm not going to spend my days crying," she said Thursday. "I cried a little yesterday, but that's it. Otherwise I'll dehydrate myself."

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