Sudan's military rulers fire top chief prosecutor, aids

Demonstrators rally near the military headquarters in Khartoum, Sudan, Monday, April 15, 2019. The Sudanese protest movement on Monday welcomed the "positive steps" taken by the ruling military council, which held talks over the weekend with the opposition leaders and released some political prisoners. The praise came despite a brief incident earlier Monday where activists said soldiers attempted to disperse the ongoing protest sit-in outside the military headquarters in the capital, Khartoum, but eventually backed off. (AP Photo/Salih Basheer)

Sudan's ruling military council says it has fired the country's top prosecutor days after the military ousted autocratic president Omar al-Bashir.

Tuesday's statement by the council says its head, Gen. Abdel-Fattah Burhan, dismissed general prosecutor Omar Abdel-Salam and two of his aids.

The Sudanese Professionals Association, which has spearheaded the protests, has called for the dismissal of all top judges and prosecutors among a package of demands. Those include the prosecution of those behind the Islamist-backed military coup in 1989, the dissolution of all pro-government unions and a freeze on the assets of top officials in al-Bashir's government.

Last week, Sudan's military ousted al-Bashir following four months of street protests against his rule, then appointed a military council it says will rule for no more than two years while elections are organized.