Spain skeptical over Catalan official's vow to abide by laws

Spain's foreign minister says time will tell if Catalonia's jailed top lawmaker will stop acting outside the constitution once freed, as she has reportedly pledged.

A Supreme Court judge jailed Catalan regional parliament speaker Carme Forcadell on Thursday and set bail at 150,000 euros ($175,000) after she agreed to either renounce future political activity or do it within the constitutional framework. She is expected to be released Friday after bail is deposited.

Forcadell, a leading Catalan independence figure, and five other lawmakers were quizzed in a rebellion investigation following the Catalan parliament's Oct. 27 secession declaration.

Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis told Cope radio it "remains to be seen" if she will keep her word, adding that if she doesn't, he expected the judge to review the release decision.