Spain court orders pretrial jail for man who rammed party HQ with car containing explosives

A truck removes a crashed car after a man rammed it into the headquarters of the ruling conservative Popular Party in Madrid, Spain, Friday, Dec. 19, 2014. Spanish police searched Friday for possible explosives at the Madrid headquarters of the ruling conservative Popular Party after a man rammed his car into the office entrance. No one was injured in the early-morning incident and National Police spokesman Antonio Nevado told Spanish National Radio that the attack did not appear to be terrorism-related. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki) (The Associated Press)

Workers clear up the area and remove broken glass after a man rammed his car into the headquarters of the ruling conservative Popular Party in Madrid, Spain, Friday, Dec. 19, 2014. Spanish police searched Friday for possible explosives at the Madrid headquarters of the ruling conservative Popular Party after a man rammed his car into the office entrance. No one was injured in the early-morning incident and National Police spokesman Antonio Nevado told Spanish National Radio that the attack did not appear to be terrorism-related. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki) (The Associated Press)

Workers clear up the area and removes broken glasses after a man rammed his car into the headquarters of the ruling conservative Popular Party in Madrid, Spain, Friday, Dec. 19, 2014. Spanish police searched Friday for possible explosives at the Madrid headquarters of the ruling conservative Popular Party after a man rammed his car into the office entrance. No one was injured in the early-morning incident and National Police spokesman Antonio Nevado told Spanish National Radio that the attack did not appear to be terrorism-related. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki) (The Associated Press)

A Spanish court has ordered pretrial detention without bail for a man who rammed a car containing homemade explosives and gas cylinders into the ruling Popular Party's headquarters.

A Madrid court said late Saturday that 37-year-old Daniel Perez will be held while he is investigated in connection with alleged offences of possession of explosives, wreaking havoc and causing damage at the headquarters.

No one was injured, but Perez's vehicle contained two inflammable gas cylinders and a rudimentary explosive device made with fertilizer and fuel, Madrid police chief Alfonso Fernandez said.

Perez allegedly drove from the town of Bronchales, 250 kilometers (155 miles) east of Madrid, to ram into the reception area of the headquarters Friday. Bronchales' mayor says the man was unemployed.