Somali Official: American Militant Reported Dead

MOGADISHU, Somalia -- Somalia's defense minister says intelligence reports indicate that an American from Alabama who joined the militant group al-Shabab has been killed.

Somali Defense Minister Abdihakim Mohamud Haji Fiqi told The Associated Press that the information has not been confirmed. Fiqi says officials don't have a body but have received intelligence reports indicating the American is dead.

Omar Hammami has been featured rapping in al-Shabab recruitment videos that have been posted online. Hammami joined the Somali militants in 2007 while he was in his early 20s. He had taken on the nom de guerre of Abumansur Al-Amriki.

Somali and African Union troops launched an offensive late last month that has resulted in a spike in fighting in Mogadishu.

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