Report: Mexico president's private home built, owned by high-speed rail contractor

A leading Mexican journalist's website says the private home of President Enrique Pena Nieto was built and is registered under the name of a company central to a much-criticized high-speed rail contract that Pena Nieto abruptly canceled last week.

Aristegui Noticias says the $7 million, 13,000-square-foot home in an exclusive Mexico City neighborhood was built and is owned by Ingenieria Inmobiliaria del Centro, a company belonging to Grupo Higa.

Constructora Teya, another Grupo Higa company, was part of a Chinese-led consortium that received the $3.7 billion, Mexico-Queretaro high-speed rail contract amid criticism it was the only bidder in a rapid process. Critics questioned ties between Pena Nieto, his political party and the rail contractors. The deal was canceled late Thursday.

The report appeared on journalist Carmen Aristegui's website on Sunday.