
Violence erupted between gangs of club-wielding migrants on the streets of central Paris last night.

Groups fought running battles using wooden sticks as weapons around the Stalingrad Metro station in the northern district of the capital.


Up to 2,000 migrants are believed to be camping in the area after being told the leave Calais's notorious Jungle camp last week.

And tensions between rivals factions boiled over into violence as riot police were called to the disturbance involving dozens of men.

Tents could be seen pitched on the pavement as men swung wooden sticks at eachother.


Paris regularly clears out makeshift camps that spring up in the city.

But the latest at Stalingrad - named after the Second World War's bloodiest battle - has been bolstered by those booted out of the Channel port of Calais.

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Many of those camped in the area are believed to be fleeing conflict in Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan and the Sudan.

Police have raided the site more than 30 times to little avail.

It is located just a stone's throw from Paris's Gare du Nord Eurostar terminal.

French President Francois Hollande yesterday confirmed he would not allow migrants to re-start the Calais Jungle.

Most of those living in the often squalid conditions of the camp were trying to reach the UK.

But a defiant Hollande said: "It's been cleared, it will be made secure and no-one will be able to go back there."

Last week a French mayor admitted it was all but impossible to stop another Calais camp springing up.

Boris Ravignon, the Mayor of Charleville-Mézières, warned: "They are not held prisoners in Charleville.

“So if some of them want to go back to Calais, I don’t see who will stop them from doing so.

“I don’t think the operation will be a success at all.

“They have managed to erase the problem in Calais but we are running the risk of having small problems all across the country.”

He added: “I think France and the UK have to sit at the same table and discuss how to deal with this problem.

“If I were British I would be in a way ashamed at there being so many people across the Channel living in bad conditions.”

This story first appeared in The Sun.