
Queen Elizabeth II has reportedly issued a formal decree to guarantee the title of prince or princess to all of the children of Prince William, who is currently expecting his first baby with wife Kate Middleton.

The Queen used Letters Patent, a method that does not require Parliament's involvement, to decree that from now on "all the children of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales" should be given the title of Royal Highness "with the titular dignity of Prince or Princess prefixed to their Christian names," according to The Telegraph.

Prior to the Queen's ruling, only the eldest son of the eldest son of the Prince of Wales could be given the title. The new decree will allow not only the eldest son, but all the children of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to be princes and princesses.

The royal couple announced their pregnancy in December 2012, but it is not yet known if they are expecting a boy or a girl. The Duchess celebrated her 31st birthday Wednesday.

Click for more from The Telegraph.

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