Puerto Rico camp counselor accused of blackmailing Colorado teen into posing for sexual videos

A 25-year-old camp counselor in Puerto Rico is facing child pornography charges for allegedly coercing a Colorado teen into posing for sexually explicit online videos.

Jimmy Caraballo Colon was arrested at his home in the Puerto Rican town of Caguas by federal agents after an investigation launched by police in Greenwood Village, Colorado.

Authorities say Caraballo met the 17-year-old victim in an online chat room and employed escalating threats to blackmail her into posing for sexually explicit videos that he posted online.

U.S. Attorney for Puerto Rico Rosa Emilia Rodriguez said Wednesday that Caraballo faces at least 15 years in prison if convicted of producing child pornography.

Caraballo, who teaches cheerleading to minors, is represented by the public defender but an attorney hasn't been assigned to him yet.