Prosecutors refer Egypt's ousted Morsi to 3rd trial, over 2011 prison breaks, abducting police

Egypt's prosecutors have referred ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi to a third trial, on charges of organizing prison breaks during the 2011 uprising and abducting policemen in collaboration with foreign militants.

These charges are separate from two other trials that Morsi already faces — over inciting the killings of his opponents and for conspiring with foreign groups to destabilize Egypt.

Egypt's Investigative Judge Hassan Samir on Saturday referred Morsi and 129 others for the new trial. Other suspects include members of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood group, members of the Palestinian militant group Hamas and Lebanon's Hezbollah.

Saturday's case refers to Morsi's jailbreak with other Brotherhood leaders that took place in January 2011, during the uprising against his predecessor, Hosni Mubarak.

No date has been set for the trial.