
Amazing footage of a truck careening at 60mph along a British freeway with a car trapped sideways on its front bumper emerged Thursday, sparked an investigation.

Video shows a trucker thundering along the A1(M) major road in West Yorkshire, northern England, seemingly oblivious to the automobile trapped under its cab.

The large vehicle was filmed by another motorist for several seconds, with sparks flying from the blue Renault Clio trapped in front.

Haulage company Arclid Transport confirmed the video is not a hoax and that the lady driver in the Clio "got out and walked away." A spokesman said an investigation was launched into the accident and police were informed.

West Yorkshire Police said officers were aware of the video and would be working with the company to establish the exact circumstances.

In the video the lorry is first seen traveling towards the camera.

A passenger in the car with the camera screamed "he hasn't seen it" as the truck motors past with the car still locked onto its front.

An Arclid spokesman told Sky News: "An incident did happen along that stretch of the motorway and we opened an investigation and reported the matter to the police.

"Having seen the video we have reopened that investigation."

Mystery surrounds how the Renault Clio got there and why the truck driver failed to notice.

Click here to read more on this story and to watch the video at Sky News.