Prime minister of Central African Republic names cabinet with representatives of armed groups

The prime minister of Central African Republic has named a 31-member cabinet, including representatives of two groups that have been involved in horrific violence for more than a year.

Mahamat Kamoun announced the cabinet Friday just hours after interim President Catherine Samba-Panza reiterated confidence in his ability to lead the country to elections next year.

The cabinet includes three Seleka and two anti-Balaka members.

The mostly Muslim Seleka rebel coalition toppled the president of a decade last year but was soon accused of human rights abuses. The Christian anti-Balaka militia attacked the capital last December, unleashing brutal violence. A U.N. force is expected to take over peacekeeping next month.

Samba-Panza appointed Kamoun, a Muslim, after firing her government earlier this month. Some Seleka leaders have said he doesn't represent them.