Poll puts support for German anti-euro populist party at 10 percent after state election gains

A poll shows support hitting 10 percent for a new German party, which combines an anti-euro stance with a wider appeal to protest voters, following state election successes.

The Alternative for Germany, or AfD, party won seats in state legislatures in the eastern regions of Brandenburg and Thuringia Sept. 14, following a similar success in Saxony two weeks earlier.

The Forsa poll of 2,501 people for Stern magazine, conducted Sept. 15-19 and published Tuesday, showed AfD's support climbing three points from a week earlier. Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative bloc led the poll with 42 percent support. The margin of error was plus or minus 2.5 points.

AfD, which has a socially conservative image, also has appealed to protest voters of all shades with tough talk on crime and immigration.