Police: Palestinian killed after stabbing 2 Israelis

A Palestinian stabbed and seriously wounded two Israelis in the West Bank on Wednesday before he was shot and killed by Israeli security forces at the scene, police said.

The incident occurred near the city of Hebron, a frequent flashpoint for violence. Many of the Palestinians involved in recent stabbings have come from there.

Tensions are high in the city where about 850 Israeli settlers live in heavily-guarded enclaves surrounded by tens of thousands of Palestinians. Much of the animosity is over a key holy site, sacred to both Jews and Muslims.

Later Wednesday, the military said two Israelis were wounded when a passing car opened fire on them in the West Bank. The military said forces were searching the area for the assailant.

Wednesday's incidents were the latest in a three month-long outburst of Israeli-Palestinian violence that has shown no signs of relenting.

Since mid-September, 19 Israelis have been killed in Palestinian attacks. At least 109 Palestinians have died in the latest violence, including 74 said by Israel to be attackers. The remainder died in clashes with security forces.

Israel says the violence is fanned by a Palestinian campaign of lies and incitement. The Palestinians say it is the result of frustrations stemming from Israel's nearly 50-year occupation.