Pole facing treason charge in Indonesia alleges prison abuse

A Polish man on trial for treason in Indonesia after meeting with Papuan independence supporters says visitors to his prison assaulted him and threatened to kill him as guards watched.

A handwritten two-page statement by Jakub Skrzypski details three consecutive days beginning Jan. 30 in which he was assaulted or threatened by men wearing T-shirts emblazoned with "Brimob," an acronym for Indonesia's paramilitary police.

Skyzypski, a globe-trotter who has lived in Switzerland for years, was arrested in Indonesia's easternmost Papua region in August and accused of plotting against the state.

Skrzypski's statement, provided to The Associated Press by one of his lawyers, said he was punched and spat on by the men who threatened to return to kill him if he's found guilty.

A local police chief denied any mistreatment.