Poland's Sikorski confirmed as parliament speaker after stepping down as foreign minister

Poland's recently resigned foreign minister, Radek Sikorski, has been confirmed as the country's new speaker of parliament.

With his move Sikorski loses a position with international prominence, but gains one with significant influence over domestic affairs. The speaker helps forge coalitions and negotiate policy compromises.

Sikorski stepped down as foreign minister after a government reshuffle prompted by Prime Minister Donald Tusk being chosen to head the European Council.

Lawmakers voted 233-143 Wednesday to confirm Sikorski as speaker. He represents the governing center-right Civic Platform party.

Sikorski has played a major role supporting Ukraine's pro-Western reforms and closer integration with the European Union. He was replaced by Grzegorz Schetyna, a former interior minister and most recently head of the parliamentary commission for foreign affairs.

With his move Sikorski loses a position with international prominence, but gains one with significant influence over domestic affairs. The speaker helps forge coalitions and negotiate policy compromises.