Peru president: Odebrecht payments did bring 'some money'

Embattled Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski says he did "earn some money" as a result of services his private consulting firm provided to the Brazilian construction company entangled in Latin America's biggest corruption scandal.

In an hour-long interview with Peruvian media Sunday, Kuczynski repeated earlier assertions that he had no involvement in the Westfield Capital firm when Odebrecht-led consortiums made $782,000 in payments over a decade ago.

But Kuczynski did acknowledge that as a shareholder in the company he would have benefited from any profits that resulted.

Peru's congress has initiated impeachment proceedings against Kuczynski on grounds that he displayed "moral incapacity." Opposition lawmakers say Kuczysnki should have disclosed the payments.

Kuczynski was a government minister at the time some of the payments were made.