
The parents of a British girl who disappeared in Portugal five years ago still believe their daughter will be found alive, they said Wednesday.

Madeleine McCann's parents, Kate and Gerry McCann, say Scotland Yard's ongoing review of the case has given them hope, Sky News reports.

The McCanns say they have "no doubt" that Portuguese authorities will eventually reverse their decision, and reopen the case after initially citing no new evidence.

Madeleine disappeared while on vacation with her family in Portugal in May 2007. She was 3 years old.

"I think the most important thing is that a lot of the investigation opportunities are in Portugal. I think it’s fairly clear that the case will have to be reopened for those to be pursued adequately," Gerry McCann said, according to Sky News.

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"We weren't expecting a knee-jerk reaction by any means. This is an ongoing dialogue, and I am sure the investigation will get opened again in due course. I have no doubt about that. It will get reopened," he said.

"If people want to find Madeleine, and want to find the person who took her, then we need the case to be reopened," Kate McCann said, according to Sky News.

British police claimed last week to have 195 new leads in the case and released a new image of what they believe Madeleine may look like today.

Scotland Yard has assumed a team of 37 police officers who have been reviewing 40,000 pieces of evidence gathered since last May.

Portuguese authorities closed the case in 2008.

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