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    Paola Moya: From Taking Care of Dogs to Renovating Building Landmarks

    The fate of the legendary Howard Theatre in Washington D.C. was placed in the hands of Colombian-born architect, Paola Moya, co-principal and partner of the architectural firm Marshall Moya Design.

  • 1_Headshot_Paola_Moya
    Paola Moya, 32, arrived to the Unites States in 1998. She’s an architect, co-principal and partner of the Washington D.C. - based architectural firm Marshall Moya Design.
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    Paola Moya - Marshall Moya Design
  • 2_Graduation_masters_Catholic_University
    Paola Moya received her master’s degree in architecture at The Catholic University of America in 2010.
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    Paola Moya - Marshall Moya Design
  • 5_Thesis_project
    The prototype of Paola Moya’s thesis, a project about building sustainable housing for internally displaced people in Cartagena, Colombia.
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    Paola Moya - Marshall Moya Design
  • 6_Thesis_project_with_family
    Moya’s parents helped her to build the prototype of her thesis project.
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    Paola Moya - Marshall Moya Design
  • 7_Thesis_presentation
    Moya presented her thesis at the school.
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    Paola Moya - Marshall Moya Design
  • 3_Business_partner_Howard_Theatre
    Paola and her business partner Michael Marshall at the lobby of the Howard Theater in Washington D.C.
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    Paola Moya - Marshall Moya Design
  • 4_Interior_Howard_Theatre
    The renovated interior of the Howard Theater in Washington D.C.
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    Paola Moya - Marshall Moya Design
  • 8_paola_moya
    Moya is currently leading the design of the University of the District of Columbia Student Center.
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    Paola Moya - Marshall Moya Design
  • Published
    8 Images

    Paola Moya: From Taking Care of Dogs to Renovating Building Landmarks

    The fate of the legendary Howard Theatre in Washington D.C. was placed in the hands of Colombian-born architect, Paola Moya, co-principal and partner of the architectural firm Marshall Moya Design.

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  • Paola Moya: From Taking Care of Dogs to Renovating Building Landmarks
  • 1_Headshot_Paola_Moya
  • 2_Graduation_masters_Catholic_University
  • 5_Thesis_project
  • 6_Thesis_project_with_family
  • 7_Thesis_presentation
  • 3_Business_partner_Howard_Theatre
  • 4_Interior_Howard_Theatre
  • 8_paola_moya