Palestinian farmer discovers rare Byzantine-era mosaic while planting olive tree in Gaza

Experts say the ornate Byzantine-era mosaic is one of the greatest archaeological treasures ever found in Gaza

Last spring, a Palestinian farmer was planting a new olive tree when his shovel hit a hard object. He called his son, and for three months, the pair slowly excavated an ornate Byzantine-era mosaic.

Experts say the discovery of the mosaic — which includes 17 well-preserved images of animals and birds — is one of Gaza’s greatest archeological treasures.

The discovery has set off excitement among archeologists, and the territory's Hamas rulers are planning a major announcement in the coming days. But it is also drawing calls for better protection of Gaza’s antiquities, a fragile collection of sites threatened by a lack of awareness and resources.

A view of parts of a Byzantine-era mosaic floor that was uncovered recently by a Palestinian farmer in Bureij in central Gaza Strip, Sept. 5, 2022.  (AP Photo/Fatima Shbair)

Palestinians clean around a Byzantine-era mosaic floor that was uncovered recently by a farmer in Bureij in central Gaza Strip, Sept. 5, 2022.  (AP Photo/Fatima Shbair)

"These are the most beautiful mosaic floors discovered in Gaza, both in terms of the quality of the graphic representation and the complexity of the geometry," said René Elter, an archeologist from the French Biblical and Archeological School of Jerusalem.

"Never have mosaic floors of this finesse, this precision in the graphics and richness of the colors been discovered in the Gaza Strip," he said.

Elter says the mosaic pavement dates back to a time between the 5th and the 7th centuries. But he said a proper excavation must be conducted to determine when exactly it was built and whether it was part of a religious or secular complex.

Elter, who has conducted research in Gaza in the past, has not been able to visit the site but viewed a series of photos and videos taken by local research partners.

A Palestinian sweeps dust off parts of a Byzantine-era mosaic floor that was uncovered by a farmer in Bureij in central Gaza Strip, Sept. 5, 2022.  (AP Photo/Fatima Shbair)

Experts are also worried about the constant threat of conflict with Israel and the continued protection and preservation of the ancient mosaic. The mosaic was discovered just one kilometer, or about half a mile, from the Israeli border.

Elter said the discovery is in "immediate danger" because it is so close to the Israeli separation fence.


Such areas along the fence are often the scene of intermittent clashes or Israeli incursions. Just last month, Israel and Gaza's Islamic Jihad militant group fought a fierce three-day battle that included Israeli shelling of militant posts and the landing of some misfired Palestinian rockets in the area.

Elter also worries that excavations by inexperienced people could damage the site. His hope is a professional team can properly excavate, restore and protect the mosaic.

"It is imperative to quickly organize an emergency rescue intervention," Elter said.

A detail of parts of a Byzantine-era mosaic floor that was uncovered recently by a Palestinian farmer in Bureij in central Gaza Strip, Sept. 5, 2022.  (AP Photo/Fatima Shbair)

Gaza, a narrow enclave on the Mediterranean Sea, boasts a trove of antiquities and archeological sites since it was a major land route connecting Mesopotamia and the Levant in ancient times. The coastal strip is full of remains of ancient civilizations, from the Bronze Age to the Islamic and Ottoman eras.

However, the treasures are rarely protected. In the past, they were looted. In recent years, some were damaged or destroyed by development projects or fighting with Israel. An Israeli-Egyptian blockade imposed after the Hamas militant group took over Gaza in 2007 has ravaged the economy, leaving few resources for the protection of antiquities.

Hamas itself pays little attention to preserving the sites as it struggles to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population. More than 2.3 million people are squeezed in the strip's just 300 square kilometers (115 square miles). In 2017, Hamas bulldozers destroyed large parts of a site containing remains from a 4,500-year-old Bronze Age settlement to make housing projects for its employees.

Early this year, bulldozers digging for an Egyptian-funded housing project in northern Gaza unearthed a Roman-era tomb.

Details of parts of a Byzantine-era mosaic floor are uncovered by a Palestinian farmer in Bureij in central Gaza Strip, Sept. 5, 2022. (AP Photo/Fatima Shbair)

Among the few preserved sites in Gaza are the St. Hilarion monastery, which spans from the late Roman Empire to the Islamic Umayyad period, and the site of a Byzantine church that was restored by international aid organizations and opened this year in the northern Gaza Strip.

While these sites also have mosaics, Elter said the latest discovery, in the central Gaza town of Bureij, is "exceptional."

The Hamas-run department of antiquities described the mosaic as "a big archeological discovery" but refused to comment further, saying there will be a formal announcement later.


The owner of the land, who refused to be identified before the official announcement, has covered the unearthed portion of the mosaic floor with tin sheets. He said he hopes to receive compensation for protecting the unique discovery on his property.

The patch of land holding the mosaic is about 500 square meters (5,400 square feet) and three dug-out spots reveal glimpses of the mosaic.

The largest of the holes in the ground, about 2 meters by 3 meters (6 feet by 9 feet), has the 17 drawings of animals. The other two show intricate patterns of tiles. Roots of an old olive tree have damaged parts of the mosaic, which appears to be about 23 square meters (250 square feet) altogether in size.

A Palestinian farmer found a rare 4500-year-old stone sculpture while working his land in the southern Gaza. (AP Photo/Adel Hanna)

Just last month, another Palestinian farmer found a rare 4,500-year-old stone sculpture while working his land in the Gaza Strip.

The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said the 22-centimeter (6.7-inch) tall limestone head is believed to represent the Canaanite goddess Anat and is estimated to be dated to around 2,500 B.C.


"Anat was the goodness of love, beauty, and war in the Canaanite mythology," said Jamal Abu Rida, director of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, in a statement.

The Associated Press contributed to this article.

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