Nude runners earn stripes at London Zoo

Participants painted like tigers take part in a naked charity run to raise money for endangered Sumatran tigers at ZSL London Zoo in London on August 15, 2013. (AFP)

Hundreds of animal lovers stripped naked to run around London Zoo on Friday to raise money for a rare sub-species of tiger.

The sponsored streak saw 300 activists jog round the zoo outside of normal visiting hours cheered on by supporters and observed by some rather bemused animals.

Wearing nothing more than trainers, tiger masks, tiger ears and some in body paint, they ran a 300 metre course, with some exhibitionists choosing to complete several laps of the circuit.

The 'Streak for Tigers' raised 60,000 pounds which will be used to protect the animals and raise awareness that there are only 300 Sumatran tigers left in the wild.

Many of the runners admitted to feeling a bit nervous at the start of the event but quickly shed their inhibitions.

Nic Coles from Biggin Hill in Kent, said seeing the large crowds "made it a lot easier" to bare all for the charity event.

"If it helps the tigers, I'd do it all over again," he said.

Fellow streaker Son Osman, from Bromley, south east London, said he had "jumped at the chance" to take part in the run.

"It was the chance to get naked in a zoo, for the tigers. It was very liberating, and quite a unique experience," he added.

James Wren, development director at Zoological Society of London said: ???The feedback has been overwhelming, from those involved in naturism to those who are just passionate about tigers. They were apprehensive and nervous, but when they were doing it, they just enjoyed it so much.???