
North Korea could hit Australia with a missile within two years, a US acting ambassador to Australia has warned.

James Caruso, the US charge d’affaires based in Canberra, told The Australian “extreme concern” was mounting about North Korea’s intentions after the rogue state yesterday declared it was ready for “war” and had its “nuclear sight” trained on America over what it sees as acts of aggression by the Trump administration.

North Korea last week tested a mid-range ballistic missile, prompting President Donald Trump to send a US naval fleet to the western Pacific in response. The Americans believe North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will be able to deliver a nuclear warhead to the US within four years, according to reports.

“(It) is very clear North Korea is a problem,” Mr Caruso told the newspaper.

“They’ve gone from using these (weapons) tests to get attention to now really making these tests to do tests. The question has been: what do we want to do about it?”

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull this morning said North Korea was threatening the peace of the world as he called on China to do more to foil the hermit kingdom.

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“The reckless and dangerous conduct of the North ­Korean regime is threatening peace and stability not just in the region but the whole world,” Turnbull said.

“We continue to call on China to exercise the undoubted influence it has over the North Korean regime to pull it back from further reckless conduct.”

Read more from News.com.au.