North Korean foreign minister in Sweden amid speculation

North Korea's foreign minister was expected to meet with his Swedish counterpart Friday for a second day after making a surprise trip to Stockholm that has fueled speculation about a possible meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho landed at Stockholm's Arlanda airport on a direct flight from Beijing late Thursday and spent several hours at the Swedish Foreign Ministry before returning to the North Korean Embassy.

The Swedish foreign ministry has said talks "will focus on Sweden's consular responsibilities as a protecting power for the United States, Canada and Australia," but also will also address the security situation on the Korean Peninsula."

It added that a statement summarizing the talks will be made available Friday after Ri's talks with Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom.

Sweden has had diplomatic relations with North Korea since 1973 and is one of the few Western countries with an embassy in Pyongyang. It provides consular services for the United States in North Korea.