New Zealand busts airline passenger for trying to smuggle lemons in pants

Lemons are shown in the produce section at the K+G Food Mart in Detroit, Monday, May 8, 2006. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio) (AP)

It was a sour situation for everyone involved.

A woman who arrived at an airport in Auckland, New Zealand on Monday was immediately sent back to Hong Kong after being busted for trying to smuggle six lemons in her pants, an airport official said.

"She had failed to declare she was carrying any food on her official arrival card," Craig Hughes, a manager with New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries, told One News. The Ministry says it aims to protect New Zealand from biological risks.

A security dog sniffed out the fruit and the woman was soon sent packing.

"Her excuse was that the lemons were good for her liver and other illnesses,” Hughes told One News. “That may be true, but it doesn't justify endangering New Zealand's horticulture industry by illegally bringing in fruit that could harbor pests or diseases."

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