New ISIS audio message targets Americans, Russians

ISIS militants marching in Raqqa, Syria.

A 40-minute audio recording released by ISIS reportedly calls for attacks against Americans and Russians for what the terror group calls a "crusaders' war."

The recording focuses on what ISIS sees as the “inevitable” face to face confrontation between terrorists and U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Syria, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute. An ISIS spokesman says that when such confrontation happens, it will signal the last nail in the U.S.'s coffin, MEMRI reports.

Researchers say the recording does not call for attacks on U.S. soil.

The United States and Russian militaries say they have launched airstrikes targeting ISIS in Syria, though analysts say many Russian strikes are actually hitting rebels opposed to the Syrian government.

MEMRI adds that the message "includes more than the usual reference to Russia, including calls for jihad against it."

The ISIS spokesman also disparaged Saudi Arabia and its influential clerics for failing to rally behind the rebels that the monarchy supports in Syria like they did decades ago in Afghanistan.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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